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Yoongi takes you to the living room with him after what feels like an hour or two. You suspect he waited to make sure that you're stable enough to not go on a rampage in their castle, and the sharp glances that burn on your skin every few minutes prove you right. You yourself can feel the dangerous potential in your chest, a constant stinging flicker of emotions that takes some control to push down into the depths of your stomach so that it doesn't break free.
"You're surprisingly good at this", the older demon hums on your way down the stairs. He's talking quietly, probably too quiet for human ears, but your senses pick up his words just fine.
"Good at what?", you ask and he shakes his head. "Nothing. Don't worry about it."
Before you can inquire further, he approaches the dark doors leading to the living room and pushes one of them open, letting you enter first.

Six pairs of dark, sparking-red eyes come to rest on your figure as soon as Yoongi closes the door behind you. He walks towards the little bar table on the left side of the room that holds a variety of hard alcohol, pours himself a glass of whiskey and then returns to you, motioning for you to sit down with them.
Only when you sit on one of the sofas do the glances leave your skin. You can feel the silent tension dissolving in the air when Yoongi plops down next to you, the only one in the room who is fully relaxed and comfortable. He clicks his tongue disapprovingly when he notices the others hesitating to speak up. "Seven Sins, huh? Why the sudden reluctance?", he huffs. "Stop acting like intimidated birds already. She's fine."

Namjoon takes a deep breath and his fingers stop fiddling around. "How do you feel, Y/N?", he asks. His voice is rough and a little strained, and you wonder if it's because he fears for you to destroy their home every second or because he is actually worried about you.
"I'm okay", you reply, the words scratchy in your dry throat. You hide a cough behind your hand. "Sorry."
Jin is the first of the remaining six who gives you a warm smile. It feels almost welcoming and you return it with relief. "I'll get you something to drink", the oldest says and gets up, but instead of vanishing in the kitchen, he approaches the array of bottles with alcohol from which Yoongi helped himself earlier.
When you realize what he's doing, you lift your hands in resistance. "Water will do", you try to assure him, but he just throws you another big smile as he fills a glass with a clear alcohol. The scent stinging in your sensitive nose even across the whole room tells you that it's vodka. Good vodka, probably, but you've barely drunk alcohol before and when he pushes the glass into your hands, you look down on it as if it's a poisonous snake.

Jimin chuckles. "You're different now, Y/N", he softly reminds you. "Just try it. You'll be surprised."
You throw him a suspicious glance, but when he nods towards the glass again, you suck in a short breath and lift it to your lips.
The sting in your nose almost makes your eyes water, but you try to ignore it and tilt the glass until the sharp liquid meets your lips.
Against everything you expected and everything the scent suggested, the sip of vodka melts in your mouth with comforting warmth, much less sharp and strong than you expected. Compared to the few times you encountered alcohol in your past life, it's almost good and you even try a second sip before you set the glass down.
Jimin leans back with a wide grin and Jin chuckles. You can feel Yoongi's eyes burning on your face, but when a few moments pass and you don't feel an urge to kill every being around you, he lifts his own glass to his mouth and relaxes.
Only Namjoon furrows his brows. "Don't overdo it in the beginning", he says. His voice is quiet and he seems a little off. "It could make you lose control."
Silence fills the air after his words and you nod. "I'll try my best", you try to give him a reassuring smile. "I don't want to give you guys any trouble." You turn to look at Yoongi and he returns your smile warmly. "I have Yoongi looking after me, but... Sorry you have to do this."
The older shakes his head, putting it back the next second to chug the rest of his alcohol. After he's done, he starts turning the glass in his hand almost absentmindedly. "Don't worry about it", he finally speaks up. "It's not the first time I've done this, and... I don't mind."

"Where do we go from here?"
It's Taehyung who almost interrupts Yoongi, leaning against the frame of the fireplace casually. His glance seems almost hostile as he looks at you, then towards the others. "What's the plan?"
You exchange a worried glance with Yoongi. The latter sighs and leans forward, placing his empty glass on the small table next to him. You and apparently also the others expect him to come up with some form of plan or explain the next steps, but instead, his eyes fixate on Taehyung and his expression hardens.
"What's your problem, Taehyung?"

The blonde pushes himself off the stone frame and returns Yoongi's daring glance with obvious defiance. "You surprised that I'm not amused?", he asks coldly, crossing his arms in front of his chest. You wouldn't say the emotion in his dark eyes is hate exactly, but it's clear to everyone in the room that he dislikes the situation. "Another one that we need to keep an eye on, another handful of work." He huffs. "As if life down here isn't depressing enough."
You wonder what he means by "another", but when you feel a weird, almost vibrating sensation from across the coffeetable and look up, you know who he meant.

Namjoon's eyes are glowing a dark red, and at the sight of it, a shockwave rolls down your body. It's as if Yoongi can feel it, since he's now straightening his back and throwing you a concerned glance.
"Enough, Taehyung", Jin scolds angrily. "Don't summon the evil you're complaining about."
Sloth huffs, but at least he doesn't talk back. The rumble around Namjoon's feet dies down quietly and Yoongi relaxes his shoulders with a sigh.
"Do whatever you want", he turns back towards Taehyung. "Just keep out of it and don't get us in trouble."
The blonde doesn't reply, instead he rolls his eyes and then turns to walk towards one of the doors. Only when it clicks shut, some of the tension vanishes from the room.
Yoongi runs his hand over his face and sighs.

"You can't expect him to be of any help", Jin speaks up. "You know him."
The black-haired devil shakes his head in reply. "I don't", he says. "Never have, never will."
"Does Taehyung not like me?", you now ask, brows furrowed in confusion. "I've never offended him-"
Jimin shakes his head and cuts you off. "It's not about that", he says. Hoseok, leaning against the other side of the fireplace, now nods and enters the conversation for the first time since you walked into the room.

"It's nothing personal, Y/N", he hums. "Taehyung's just... Sloth. In every aspect of the word. Even emotionally." 

Seven Sins - Second Part | BTS x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz