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After this, you don't see Yoongi for a few days. Jin continues your training the best he can on his own, patient and friendly as always, but when he's finally fed up with having to do everything himself, he forces the black-haired devil to train you again.

You're standing somewhere in the middle of the cave, facing each other. The cave is completely silent – as much as your excellent hearing can define 'silence' now, since there's always something in the background.
Yoongi runs his fingers through his wavy black hair and looks at you. His eyes are a deep black – not as dark as they were the last time you saw him, but still duller than you remember them to be originally.
"I have to apologize", he finally brings himself to say. "What I did wasn't fair."
You swallow heavily. "No", you say. Your voice is rough and you have to clear your throat. "No, it wasn't."
For the first time you feel like the silence between you and him is uncomfortable. Then he gives you a weak smile. "Do you want to get back at me for it? We're training, after all."
No, you think, heart clenching up. No, I don't.
But you're a demon, a demon that's still a little mad and confused, and you can't fight against the urge to kill that's seeping into your bloodstream.

Yoongi doesn't fight back.
He avoids your swings, yes, but his movements are slower than you've ever seen them. More than once, your swings graze him. You can't seriously hurt him, he outpowers you easily, but with every hit you land, he seems more and more absentminded. It's as if he doesn't care what happens to him. You, on the other hand, let out all the frustration and confusion he caused within you as if he's a boxing sack.
The fight lasts for quite some time, maybe half an hour, before a slim hand wraps around your arm as you lift it once again, easily preventing you from continuing.
Hoseok looks down on you from behind.
"That's quite enough", he says. "This is not training, this is revenge. And that kind of fight doesn't have a place here."
He looks at Yoongi. "Leave. Pull yourself together, or I will do it for you", he threatens, but you can hear in his voice that he doesn't actually mean it. Yoongi listens regardless. Without sparing you a further glance, he turns around and is gone the next second.
As soon as he is out of sight, your anger calms down and you pull your arm from Hoseok's fingers. For a while, there's silence while neither of you moves. "Jin shouldn't have forced him", Hoseok finally speaks up, nudging you to follow him on a walk. "Yoongi is very confused."

"Did you read his mind to find out?", you ask as the two of you start walking, and the demon flashes you a smile. "Yes", he replies. "Though Yoongi is one of the harder minds to understand."
"Hoseok, I was wondering", you continue and he looks at you questioningly, "does reading minds have something to do with your sin?"
The demon seems surprised, but not angry at your question. He looks up to the ceiling of the cave as he thinks. "Maybe", he finally replies. "It's a difficult concept to grasp and explain. Personally, I believe that some of the more material sins like me or Jin may be benefited by our abilities in the striving for what we want. I can get almost anything I want with mind reading and control - from beings weaker than me, mind you. Jin, on the other hand, can't apply his ability to himself, but fooling others with illusions is still a way of giving something to or taking something away from his targets, which is linked to the basic concept of Gluttony. He worked on his ability over time, but in the beginning, he was only able to blind enemies by putting them under an illusion of what they wanted most or most of."
He glances at you. "More abstract sins like Yoongi, Taehyung or Jungkook aren't directly benefited by their abilities because they don't desire something material. Therefore it is difficult for them to use their powers to fulfill their needs and thus pursue their sins." He shrugs. "As it seems, our powers aren't actually linked to our sins. They just developed randomly, as they do for every demon that is granted an ability, and they either benefit our sins or not. Does that make sense?"

You nod. "It does", you say. "It still doesn't help me to figure out how to deal with Yoongi, though..." Your words are silent and trail off towards the end, but Hoseok hears you just fine. He hums.
"Give him some time", he says. "Yoongi has never been one to easily show emotions, and he has never felt things like this before, at least not as a demon. The only one of us that has ever found a partner was Namjoon and he..." He hesitates. "Well, you know what happened to them."
When you don't reply, he looks down on you, checking your expression. "You're not the only one who is worrying", he then continues, lifting his glance again. "Since Jimin's departure, Yoongi has been unstable. It's probably a lot more on his mind than he likes to admit. But this is something no one can help him with." He chuckles. "Not even our wondrous Y/N, as afraid as I am to say."
Your lips curl into a faint smile. "Wondrous, huh", you murmur. "Sometimes I wonder if I didn't make it more difficult for you guys. I don't even have powers."

Hoseok eyes you up. "Well, you did", he then says, as honest as you know the devils to be. After such a long life, one has no time to sugarcoat. "But I believe you will have powers one day."
"Why do you think that?", you ask.
Hoseok hums. "If Jungkook's shadows react to you, that's always a good sign. As long as they obey him after, that is." His expression becomes serious. "Your aura was quite impressive when you became mad at Yoongi, considering you're a young demon. Normally, you'd just have exceptional physical abilities after you've turned and your mental powers would develop over the next few decades or centuries. To witness them this soon is rare."
"But it also poses a danger", you retort, and he snickers. "Of course it does, but if you think about it, so do all of us even though we have centuries of experience. We're demons, after all. If two or more of us lost it for good, none of us would get out of this cave alive." His expression darkens. "Except for Jimin, since he's already gone."

For a while, silence spreads between the two of you. "Do you think he will come back?", you finally ask quietly.
Hoseok sighs. "That depends on where he is", he answers, even if unwillingly so. You can hear a hint of frustration in his voice. "If he's alone, he will probably return after some point." He averts his glance, letting it run over the ruins surrounding the two of you.

"But if he found a group or individual demon he can attach himself to, I fear we've lost him forever. Jimin's mind just works like that." 

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