Training: Yoongi II

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You don't recognize yourself.

You're sprinting after Yoongi, who is practically dancing in front of your eyes, movements tauntingly slow and a relaxed grin on his face constantly. The sight makes you mad. By now you've figured out the emotion he used to get you into this state – fear. Fear of him and his cold hand around your neck that sent shivers down your spine although your skin is now the same temperature as his.
It's almost impressive that he's still able to scare you despite you knowing that he wouldn't seriously hurt you. The fact that he's not yet counter-attacked proves this, and yet you can't manage to escape the grip of the rage that's boiling within you. You know that this is training, and you're also aware of its goal, but chasing Yoongi in an attempt to wipe the condescending smile off his face gives you satisfaction and joy to an extent that's almost perverted.

You're not aware of the cold spark in Yoongi's eyes. His glance is sharp and he is constantly looking at you to evaluate how you're doing. You don't know, but should it get too bad, the demon would not hesitate to put you in your place.
As if to tempt you, Yoongi slows down in his movements, keeping an eye on you as you approach. It feels good to move, especially at the speed you're going, that's why you almost don't want to stop when you finally reach him.

Thirsty for blood, you reach out to him, annoyed by his unbothered attitude. Yoongi evades your swing easily, taking a mere step to the side. You hiss, clenching your teeth, and swirl around. As inexperienced as you may be, for some reason your body tells you that it's dangerous to lose sight of the older demon.
You tense up the muscles in your lower legs, testing their strength, and then, before Yoongi can react, you're already in his face.
Th ground forms cracks under the impact of your fist and after a second, they spread even further under the ongoing pressure, causing a dust cloud to rise. The loud bang echoes through the cave a few heartbeats after the actual hit, like thunder after lightning.
I got him, you think in satisfaction as you pull your hand out of the ground and shake off some pulverized stone. He must be lying over there somewhere.

But when the dust settles, Yoongi is nowhere to be seen.
You snarl. The shattering awareness of just how much stronger he is makes your skin crawl.
"Nice try", Yoongi whispers over your shoulder. It only takes you a millisecond to react; you swing for him and... miss.
The demon grins at you from ten meters away. "Still a lot to learn, Y/N", he shouts as you come sprinting after him again.

"Stop running", you growl after another unsuccessful chase, frustrated and angry.
Yoongi chuckles and does as you tell him. "Really? You want to kill me that bad?", he asks half teasingly, but then his expression changes, becomes more serious. He eyes you and his shoulders relax the tiniest bit.
"Calming down?", he asks.
As quickly as it came, the hot rage pulls back and vanishes from your body. It leaves you empty, but not physically exhausted or tired in any way. It's a strange feeling.
"Yes", you answer. It surprises even yourself how quickly you regained control, but Yoongi's words – You want to kill me that bad? – in that unbothered, honest tone felt like a cold bucket over water being dumped over your head, which is an uncomfortable thought even as a demon who's not supposed to be bothered by hot or cold temperatures.
You realize you couldn't kill Yoongi even if you wanted to, and it's almost scary. Just how attached have you gotten to the demons that kept you imprisoned and played around with your soul until you had to be turned into one of them?
The other demon looks at you curiously for a second, then he appears next to you with one, two quick steps. The mark on your wrist tickles as his eyes stare down on you. Then he grabs your hand. "Come with me."

The next second, you find yourself in the entrance hall of the castle. A little confused and disoriented, you pull your hand out of Yoongi's grip.
"I didn't expect you to be able to teleport as well", you comment after you've put two and two together. The smile Yoongi gives you is almost apologetic.
"There are few things that I cannot do here, Y/N."
Not only am I unwilling to kill him, I'm also unable to, you think as you follow him to the living room. Apparently, you tended to underestimate your hosts' powers as a human, and it shows.

"Is the lesson over?", you ask as Yoongi plops down on one of the sofas. The room is empty apart from you and him, but as always, a fire is crackling in the fireplace and the bottles of booze seem to have refilled miraculously.
Yoongi's glance pierces through you.
"Yes", he replies slowly, taking his eyes off you as his head is sinking back. "The lesson is over."

His words have you standing there a little lost until you decide to sit down as well. Silence fills the space between you and Yoongi, but not for long. The devil has a question for you.
"Why did you stop?"
His words and his tone make you think that he knows exactly what caused you to calm down, but you know he won't continue until you've told him.
"The thought of killing", you answer as vaguely as possible. He doesn't need to know it was specifically about killing him, and as a demon, it is surprisingly easy to evade the question.
Yoongi hums, deep and throaty. "Is that so? We will have to work on that."
Your eyes dart towards him in surprise. "Why?", you ask, almost a little to fast, and he notices. His eyes open and he looks at you without raising his head.
"You will have to kill one day", he says. He sounds calm, yet insistent at the same time. "Either to feed yourself, or to defend yourself. There is no way around it, Y/N."

You frown. "Defend myself?", you ask. "Why would I need to do that? There is no danger here for me, is there?"
Yoongi hums again, his glance wanders towards the ceiling. "No. As of now", he replies after a short pause. "But something is changing, I can feel it. So we better be careful."
"Indeed we should." The snarl coming from the door is Taehyung's. When you lookup, his expression is dark. You'd assume that he's angry if he wasn't Sloth himself. Emotions aren't something that comes easy to him, you've understood so much.
He ignores your glance and steps forward.
"Yoongi, we have a problem."

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