Unwelcome Guests

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"This is it?"
In a small town in the middle of nowhere, two tall men are standing in front of a dark hole in the ground. As with every other cave, a cold breeze is constantly coming from the depths below, quietly whistling around the rough corners of the entrance. Every human knows the feeling of this particular kind of breeze, as if something wants to pull them into the darkness and never let them out again.
The two men, however, seem unfazed.

Both of them are clothed in long black coats decorated with silver ornaments on the shoulders and around the hems. The taller one named Jazkar has long, white hair gathered into a ponytail that falls down his back. His companion, Uzoth, has dark red, shorter hair that's curling into his face. Both men are extraordinarily handsome with exotic dark eyes, gently curved cheekbones and sharp jawlines. The young women of the town, usually eager to make a good catch, are only kept from bothering them by their sharp glance and the ever-present red spark dancing in their pupils that tells them one thing: stay away, or we'll kill you.

Uzoth sighs, it almost sounds sympathetic. "Who would've thought that some fellows almost equal to us would be degraded like this", he murmurs. "It's a shame, really. Don't you think so, Jazkar?" His voice is soft and smooth, yet it invokes a strange feeling of discomfort and unrest in everyone who hears it.
Jazkar kicks a large stone out of his way as if it's a mere cottonball. "Well, they asked for it", he snarls. His voice isn't quite as pleasant as his friend's, as it is scratchy and rough, not meant to sweet-talk people. "It's nothing more than they deserve. Should we?"
Uzoth grins. It could almost make him more handsome if the expression wasn't so full of scorn. "We should, Brother."

Though they are capable of entering the cave much faster, the two men take the stairs. The stone is worn down and slippery, polished by hundreds of feet that carried the Seven Sins' past Xiqaas down here.
"I wonder if she is still alive", Uzoth speaks up as they continue walking, their movements elegant despite the steep descend. It shows the hundreds of thousands of years they've been living, improving their abilities to perfection.
Jazkar throws is companion a short glance. "You know she is", he snarls back. "You felt the power coming from the cave, back then. What else should that have been but a demon's mark on her? There's no reason for them to mark each other."
"Hmmm, sure, you've got a point." Uzoth looks up to the low ceiling of the narrow path. He sounds careless, yet curious. "But there's no sign of any humans down here."
The white-haired demon in front of him scoffs and turns back to the front. "Whatever", he says. "We'll find out soon enough."

They enter the cave some twenty minutes later. Jazkar is the first to take the last step, looking around as Uzoth follows behind him. Target-oriented, they start to walk into a certain direction, as if they can smell the Seven Sins' castle from afar like hunting dogs smell the scent of deer blood.
It doesn't take them long to arrive. They might have taken their time on the steps in order to not cause any suspicion, but now that they've entered the cave, they might as well make use of their demonic speed.
In front of the castle's gate, they halt, looking up the gigantic building that was conjured here out of nothing when the seven demons first arrived.
"That little rat was living here?", Uzoth grins snidely. "I can't even imagine."
Jazkar keeps quiet. He's not a man of many words, and while Uzoth enjoys defaming everything and everyone, he doesn't have the patience for all of his speeches, much less for participating in them. With a swift movement, he lifts his right leg and kicks one of the doors out of its hinges. It collapses onto the ground of the entrance hall with an unmistakeable loud crash, making dust raise from the ground in small clouds. The shock wave rolls through the entire castle, then silence fills the air as the dust settles again.
Jazkar and Uzoth wait.

The silence lasts for a while. At least seemingly, because for the two demons, the steps approaching them slowly from the first floor of the castle are too loud to miss.
A figure appears at the top of the stairs. Lazily, it descends and approaches them. Whatever little light reaches the demons' eyes finally falls onto the person's face.
Yoongi walks towards them without a hint of fear or care. The expression on Jazkar and Uzoth's faces change, however. Suddenly, they become dark and hateful and their eyes burn with anger.
"Yoongi", Uzoth presses. The bloodlust in his voice is hard to miss. "How nice to see you."
Yoongi's expression doesn't change. Not only does he seem indifferent, he is as unimpressed as he could be. He quickly glances at the door on the floor, then he eyes the two demons in front of him up and down.
"Jazkar. Uzoth", he finally says slowly. "We sure didn't expect any guests anytime soon."

Jazkar controls himself better than Uzoth. He swallows his rage and lifts his chin defiantly. "Well, neither did we expect to see any need to visit", he says. "But you see, stuff happened." His eyes darken. "We felt a mark, and we'd like to investigate."
Now Yoongi is the one to raise his head, staring back at Jazkar with his eyes flaring up. "That is none of your business", he replies, crossing his arms in front of his chest. "It hasn't been your business since more than two centuries ago, and it isn't now either. Leave, or I'll make you."
Uzoth can't hide a snicker. "You? Make us leave?", he scoffs, and before Jazkar can hinder him, he's right next to Yoongi, face hovering in front of his. "Not even in your wildest dreams", he hisses, words dripping from his lips like poison.
Yoongi returns his glance calmly, although the redness is exploding in his eyes.
"Forgot what happened to Xagire?", he mumbles into his ear. Uzoth stiffens and his eyes widen. "He was..." Yoongi takes a deep breath as if he's treasuring the memory. "Oh, he was fantastic. How would you hold up against Xagire, Uzoth?" He snickers to himself, but quickly turns serious again.
"I'll rip all of you apart if need be", he whispers. "I swear."
Uzoth pulls back, air flickering as he returns to Jazkar's side with unhuman speed. "You underestimate us", he sneers.

"That's their problem", Jazkar interrupts the fight with his arms crossed in front of his chest. "You just need to explain the bond, Yoongi. Don't make enemies you can't defeat."
Yoongi scoffs. "I'd never", he retorts. "And I don't need to explain anything."
"For once, he is right", a deep baritone rings from behind the demons. Three pairs of red eyes land on Namjoon's tall figure as he steps out of the shadows. Jazkar and Uzoth both have a slim and long body type, but Namjoon is still taller. With glowing eyes, he towers before them. "Guests, Yoongi?", he asks casually and the latter nods.
"Unwelcome guests."

Namjoon grins with obvious amusement as his glance returns to the two demons in front of them, but it doesn't look friendly. "Yes. Yes, I can see that." 

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