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As Yoongi and you return to the castle, you find it deserted at first. Unbeknownst to you, almost all of the demons watched the confrontation, and the living room has been left as you last saw it, with glasses and bottles of alcohol everywhere. Before you can turn to Yoongi for an answer, though, a familiar voice reaches you from behind.
"You can hear them, can you not?"

It's Daimon who takes the last few steps of the huge stairs with an elegant jump and approaches the two of you from behind. As a human, you wouldn't have been able to distinguish his black fur from the darkness unless he stood right in front of you, but now, you can see him as clearly as if the sun shone right above him.
The familiar's ears twitch at your gaze and when he reaches you, he rubs around your legs. "We haven't seen each other in a while", he purrs. "Welcome, a second time."
You raise an eyebrow. "I wasn't aware you were able to speak in your cat form, Daimon", you comment, and he emits a sound that's somewhere between a meow and a chuckle. "There's a lot of things you weren't aware of, demon child", he hums before he proceeds into the living room, jumping onto one of the sofas.
He seems off, different from before when you got to know him as a human. You throw Yoongi a glance, but he simply shrugs with an expression that says "I don't know either".
"Familiars are mysterious in many ways", he whispers to you as quietly as he can as you enter the room together. "I've never felt comfortable around them, and I'd never think of getting one for myself."

Daimon meows. "You know I can hear you, right?" His silver eyes, so similar to the colour of his master's hair, glance at Yoongi while he makes himself comfortable, stretching out on the sofa.
The demon sighs. "I know, I know", he murmurs, plopping down in a seat and reaching for a bottle nearby. This time, he doesn't bother to pour himself a glass, but drinks straight from the bottle.
Daimon turns towards you when you have sat down, his tail twitches. "Everyone is upstairs", he answers the question you wanted to have answered ever since you entered the mansion. "My master is..." He hesitates. "Still unstable." It sounds as if he looked for the friendliest way to phrase Jimin's state, and you grimace.
"Is he mad at me?"

Daimon laughs, interrupted by small meows and purrs. It's strange to see and hear a cat laugh, and you don't know how to react until he has finished. "You truly are something, Y/N", Daimon says when he has calmed down, and it sounds like he would have said it with a smile had he been in human form. "Don't worry too much. It's..."
The familiar is interrupted by Yoongi, who just let all the glasses and bottles disappear with one wave of his hand, apparently suddenly dissatisfied with the mess. "It's nothing for you to worry about." His glance is firm, and you realize he means it. "It is something between me and Jimin. It has nothing to do with you."
His words are so sincere you are almost offended, but you suppress the tight feeling in your chest, well aware that it could result in a rage again.
"Okay", you finally give in. "I won't ask any questions, if that's what you want."
Yoongi's stare doesn't waver, until he suddenly lowers his head and rubs his temples. "I didn't mean it like that", he says, a bit softer, and gives you a smile that you could have mistaken for being tired if it wasn't for the fact that you know demons don't sleep. "I just meant it's not your fault."
You return the smile. "Thanks, Yoongi", you answer. You're not sure what else to say, and silence spreads for a while before it is interrupted by Daimon's yawn. He slides off the sofa and jumps on your lap instead, curling up into a ball. "Jimin will calm down", he meows, and it sounds like a promise. "Give it some time. As for the others..." He blinks slowly. "They were very impressed with your show. Apart from Taehyung, obviously."

"They watched?"
Daimons small cat face shows something similar to a grin, exposing his sharp little fangs. "Of course", he purrs. "They wouldn't want to miss your first fight, right? Nothing really exciting happens down here, anyway." He rests his head on his paws, but the tip of his tail keeps twitching. "I haven't seen Yoongi like that in a while. You truly riled him up." He sounds amused. "A little."
"That's enough, familiar!" Yoongi's voice sounds sharp. "I'd rather you didn't talk about something so unpleasant."
His reaction surprises you, as far as the word "surprise" describes your reserved demonic reactions. "Unpleasant", you repeat, but Yoongi hears the unspoken question in the word.
"It was something that had to be done, not something I wanted to do", he smiles. "If I wanted to kill some time, I'd pick a fight with, let's say... Jin, or Jimin." The smile turns into a grin. "At least those two will lose against me without me using any tricks."

"Stop bragging." Jin's voice sounds amused as he steps into the room. "I'm still some 1500 years older than you, you brat. Keep that in mind when you want to impress a youngster."
He turns to you as Yoongi simply huffs to his scolding. "How are you feeling, Y/N?"
You smile at him. You feel like everyone has been impacted by what happened to you, but Jin seems to be his usual self, and you almost feel relieved. "I'm fine", you answer. "I think Yoongi went easy on me."
Jin chuckles. "He sure did", he replies and sits down on a chair next to you. "Yoongi, what do you think?"

"Useful", is the other demon's quick answer.
"Useful? What is?" Sometimes, you think, the demons confuse you even more now that you are one of them.'
Jin smile is warm. "The fight was, indeed, to let you 'blow off some steam', as Namjoon would phrase it, but it also served another purpose." He pauses shortly. "We agreed to test your abilities so you could receive training. If you want to truly become one of us, you have some hard work to do."
You grimace and he laughs at your expression. "I'm joking, for the most part. It's just to make sure. You never know." Jin exchanges a meaningful glance with Yoongi, but keeps you in the dark over what it meant.
The latter nods. "Your training will begin tomorrow", he informs you. The corners of his mouth twitch. "I would tell you to rest, but... well."
"I will be the first to teach you", Jin continues. "We haven't decided yet who will participate. But every skill you learn will be useful, especially your self-control. Yoongi will be in charge of that, but I can also teach you a thing or two. Everyone has a different approach, you know." He smiles reassuringly.
"Don't worry, Y/N. I'm sure you will do just fine." 

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