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Your awakening, if that's what you can call it, is very sudden and not at all the slow, refreshing process of waking up from a long sleep. Obviously, since you didn't sleep.

Your eyes snap open, taking a fraction of a second to get used to the dark, and then you're already propping yourself up.
You're lying on hard and presumably cold cobblestone. It's slightly wet, though not to the point of drenching your clothes, that much you can feel. The cobblestone makes up the ground of the cell you're in, a rectangular room, maybe five meters long and three meters wide. The sturdy bars in front open the view to a huge, dark hall paved with the same cobblestone. Its walls are made from sharp-edged, black stone. It looks as if someone blew a hole into the mountain and then cobbled the ground without any care for the rest of the room.
The hall is silent, except for the quiet dripping of water and the breathing next to you.

You twirl around and onto your feet, but the glance that meets yours is familiar and you relax immediately.
"You're awake", Daimon says. He's sitting on the ground next to you in his human form, one knee pulled on his chest and his arm resting on it. "That's a relief." You stare at him.
"I tried to make it more comfortable, but I couldn't touch you", he continues before you can say anything. "So I turned into my human form to test it out, but it still hurt." He leans towards you, his silver eyes are glowing in the dark. "What in Lucifer's name did you do, Y/N?"

"I don't know", you reply. Your voice is rough and your throat dry and you reach for it to rub it. Daimon's intense glance softens. "It must've been difficult", he says, extending one hand to tame the hairy mess on top of your head. You let him.

"Not that much", you say, slowly regaining your voice. "It was quite easy when I... did what I did." You glance at him cautiously. "Are you angry?"
Daimon stops combing your hair with his fingers, he looks almost offended. "Angry?", he repeats. "Why should I be?"
You shrug, nodding in the vague direction of the prison bars in front of you. "Well, we're in jail", you say with a light smile. "Because of me."

Daimon sighs and shakes his head, pulling back. "You protected a human from consumption", he says, eyes glistening, as he leans back against the wall and stares at the ceiling. "I don't know how you did it, but I don't mind. For us familiars, Bonds consuming souls is a essential part of life that we cannot disregard, but that doesn't mean that we support it. In a way, we're closer to humans than to demons, physically, so... Let's just say I've always felt bad for truly innocent souls." His glance returns to you.
"So to see you protect one of them from Vazgan, the currently strongest member of the Ayabbi..." His lips curl into a smirk. "It was satisfying, to say the least."

Relief floods your heart. He seems to notice, surprise crossing his face. "You truly thought I'd be this angry?", he frowns, straightening a little.
You shrug again. "Well, now we're stuck here", you say. You feel as if you're repeating yourself.
Now Daimon is the one to shrug. "I have a feeling that it's not going to be for long", he quietly says, but even when you look at him questioningly, he refuses to explain. Therefore, you sit in silence in a while – and you use the time to think about everything that happened before you were subdued.

"For how long have I been out?", you suddenly realize you've lost all sense of time.
Daimon sighs. "I can't tell exactly", he says, his eyes narrowing. "We're very far down. I assume these are the dungeons below the castle of the Ayabbi. If I had to guess, maybe one to two days?"
You suck in a harsh breath. "Are you okay?", is the next thing you can think of. "Do you need anything? Food?"
Daimon chuckles and reaches for you again. You put your hand in his and he squeezes it gently. The bond between him and you is still unfamiliar, almost too close for comfort too suddenly, but when he holds your hand like this, it calms you down and reassures you regardless. It's an extremely weird feeling that you still can't help enjoying.
"I'm okay", he says, silver swirling in his eyes. "Familiars don't need to eat as often as you probably think. If I hunt when we're back on the surface, that will be enough. So yes, I'm fine. I'm just glad you're alright." The young man smiles, warmth engulfing your body.

A second later, you realize he's suppressing his pain for you. You can see his muscles trembling and his chest heaving as he fights against the constant agony your touch now causes him. You rip your hand out of his grip and his expression turns sad for a short moment, but he doesn't insist.
"We should think about how to get out of here", you say with sudden drive, springing to your feet in a rush to get away from him as quickly as possible. He watches quietly as you turn around. First you check the walls of the cell. They're solid and well-built, no small windows or cracks in sight. When you hit against one of them for testing purposes, the stone absorbs your hit easily without showing signs of any damage.

Next, you walk along the row of bars in front of the cell. They look strong, and against your expectations, they only bend the tiniest bit when you grip them and pull them apart – not enough for anyone to squeeze through, not even Daimon in his cat form.
With a sigh, you return to Daimon. "As expected of the Ayabbi", you sigh while sitting back down. He chuckles, almost as if he expected this, though there's still pain in his eyes from earlier.
"I'm sure we're not the first non-human beings being held captive here", he says. "They're probably demon-proofed this cell a long time ago."

"Probably", you sigh and cannot help the bitter feeling of disappointment in your chest.
"Most importantly, you should be careful of who you touch", Daimon says. He sounds hasty and a second later, you realize why – there are footsteps approaching. "Because of what you did to that human. I'm pretty sure the pain I feel when touching you is linked to it as well." His glance is powerful. "Just be careful until we've figured out what it is."
You can only give him a short nod as the huge metal doors at the other end of the hall open. They swing open weirdly soundlessly and smoothly, slowly opening the view on the person who's come to visit you.

Daimon is on his feet immediately. He seems surprisingly restless given that the man standing in the doorway is Vazgan's attendant. There's no sight of any of the Ayabbi, still Daimon's eyes glow cold silver and he positions himself slightly in front of you.
"Do not fret, young one", he attendant calls as he slowly approaches you. Again, you're impressed by how elegantly and soft-footedly he moves, and how none of his steps make a sound. It's as if he isn't even there.
"I'm not here to hurt your master", the man continues. He lowers his head a little, glancing at you from behind his long black hair, then looking back to Daimon. The latter's silver eyes stand no chance against the molten, liquid gold in the man's pupils.
"On the contrary. I'm here to help you."

"Help us?" Daimon scoffs. He seems irritated and angry, but there's something else. A hint of fear.
The man now halts in front of the cell, eyeing the two of you. "Yes", he then replies. "Is that so unlikely?"
Daimon hisses. Was he in his panther form, you're sure his growl would've echoed through the entire hall. "I don't trust you, snake", he says.
"You don't have to", says the man and lifts his hand.

"Wait", you interject. He halts in his movements and turns to you. His golden gaze is now calm, almost respectful.
"What's your name?", you ask.
The man's lips lift the slightest bit as if to curl into a smile. He's almost too beautiful to comfortably look at him.
"I have many names", he replies. "I shall teach them to you later on. For now, you can call me Heishe."
'Heishe', you repeat tonelessly. The foreign name feels unfamiliar on your tongue.

He nods. "Then I will open the cell", he continues. You're about to take a step back when a movement close to the man's neck catches your attention.
The skin around the fine-lined, golden pattern you noticed earlier seems to flutter, twist and then peels off Heishe's cheek and jawline in tiny, oval flakes.
Your stomach twists as you watch them scatter in the air, floating through the room weightlessly. Heishe doesn't seem to notice it at first, but when your glance is glued to his neck, he reaches for it. One of the flakes sticks to his fingertips and he looks at it, but doesn't seem surprised.

"Ahhh", he finally sighs, defeated. "I thought I had more time."
While you're still staring at the young man dissolving into nothingness in front of your eyes, more and more flakes start to peel off his body, each of them slowly turning black as they lift into the air. Heishe glances at Daimon whose eyes narrow. He grabs your arm, ignoring the pain in his chest a second time, and pulls you back.
"Thank you", Heishe mouthes, taking a step back himself. His golden eyes rest on your face.

And then the man explodes into a cloud of myriads of shiny black flakes right in front of you. 

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