Family III

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Yoongi takes a few minutes to gather his thoughts. It's obvious he is concerned, and the look on his face makes you shift in your seat anxiously. It's clear that Yoongi's explanations will help, but meeting the Ayabbi for yourself will be wholly different. A shiver runs down your spine when you imagine being mind-controlled or forced to serve Jazkar for the rest of your life. It sounds unbelievable, but the realization that those could be very real threats is slowly seeping into the back of your mind.

Finally, Yoongi lets out a sigh. He looks at you, lifting the corners of his mouth into a weak smile.
"Sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean to frighten you."
You shake your head quietly.
He sighs again. "The thing is, I am not fully sure how you would evade either Vazgan or Thirak. Their powers are very... omniferous and they can be hard to detect even for a demon. That makes them really difficult to dodge if the situation ever arose. I have no doubts that would either of them decide to come at you seriously, you'd be gone in a split second."
He pauses for a few moments.

"I am honestly not sure how wary you should be of the two", he then says lingeringly. "We can't determine what their ultimate goal is. Personally I would say Thirak is less of a danger than Vazgan, simply because he is very controlled and has little interest in demons of a lower rank." Yoongi looks at you again.
"I've already told you that he differs from other demons in that he seems very gentle and quiet, and that you shouldn't be fooled by him. His powers are similar. It's difficult to notice when he is using them and when he's not. I've always thought that they were similar to Jimin's, to be fair, even though Jimin can be a lot crueler in his ways."
His expression doesn't change when he speaks his name. It's as if he doesn't even recognize it.
"I am not sure what Thirak's weakness is, to be completely honest. If someone who didn't know he was a demon would meet him, they'd think he was the ideal man, created by god." He shakes his head. "He is beautiful, even for a demon. More than one devil, be it male or female, have fallen for him and regretted it. As gentle as he may seem, Thirak does not have a thing for love." Yoongi's lips twitch with amusement.
"His physical powers are excellent, although he has never managed to surpass Uzoth, and he seems like what humans would call a "gentleman" in their world. As I said – he is perfect."

He leans back. It seems difficult for him to talk about it, or rather to find the right words.
"What makes Thirak so dangerous is his ability to control emotion. He has always been one of the most important members of the Ayabbi since it is easy for him to calm down or agitate demons, humans and familiars alike. In his earlier days, he had to make physical contact to do this." Yoongi's expression darkens. "Currently, he doesn't even have to look at you for it to work. He prefers to do it via voice, though. He deems it polite. So if he speaks to you in a particularly sweet, gentle way, be careful." He shrugs.
"I cannot give you any more hints as to how to avoid him. Thirak may be even more dangerous than Vazgan. His power isn't straightforward like most of the others', and he is excellent at controlling and directing it. Just be wary of your emotions. He can make you sad, angry, fall in love with him, feel sympathy for Jimin, anything."

Yoongi arches his back and stretches. His expression is worried.
"Still, Vazgan himself isn't weak. The fact that he barely uses his powers is proof of that."
"He doesn't use his powers?", you interject and Yoongi looks at you with a grin so sarcastic that it looks almost painful.
"Rarely", he replies. "Simple reason for that: he doesn't have to."

You frown and Yoongi sits up to explain.
"Vazgan is the only one of the Ayabbi whose powers have a passive effect. It's similar to when Jimin touches people – they immediately feel attracted to him. I believe you experienced it for yourself when you were still human." He shoots you a quick glance.
"Vazgan's mere presence is overarching. You get used to it with time and stronger demons can withstand it, but when he steps into a room or enters your immediate vicinity, you get a feeling of being choked." Yoongi's expression is gloomy. "I have seen weaker demons fall to their knees before he even spoke to them. It's humiliating and often leads to him getting what he wants. Even the Ayabbi themselves can feel this effect, and I don't think there is anyone out there with a similar passive power. Maybe apart from Lucifer." He chuckles. "A stand-off between these two would certainly be interesting."

His snicker lifts the heavy tension that spread over the room like a dark blanket.
"Apart from that, Vazgan's strength is pretty straightforward. He can suppress your powers." Again, his expression hardens. "I have never experienced it myself, but apparently, it makes you almost human again. Or at least feel like you are human. If Vazgan decided to fight you and truly wanted to win, it would be like a fight between a cat and a crippled mouse."
He sighs.
"It is possible to evade this or to become immune to his influence, but it takes time and is difficult to achieve, even if you are powerful. But I am sure he will not use it on you. It would be redundant; his passive powers may already subdue you."

Yoongi sits up straight and faces you, rubbing his palms together in front of him. His dark eyes bore into yours.

"Everything I have told you is the gist of what the Ayabbi can do, and it was only their personal abilities. All of them are physically strong, intelligent and possess the usual demonic powers – time travel, teleportation, to some extent illusions, control over the elements and so on and so forth. I beg of you, please be careful when you go there. Again: I'm sure you will come to no harm. But if you sense danger, be wary."

He leans back and lets out a big sigh.
"I couldn't forgive myself if something happened to you despite my advice, as much as I believe that Vazgan only wants to talk. It would be foolish of them to actually harm you."
His face twists into a dark mask of the man he actually is and you can feel the power seeping from his body and pooling around your feet. The feeling is terrifying.

"Should they want war, however, they will get it."  

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