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You're standing in the middle of the room like a child that was just scolded for stealing cookies out of the kitchen.
"Taehyung is right", Yoongi agrees with the younger. "You shouldn't attempt something like that again. For all of our safety, and yours especially."

You're being scolded like a child, and like a teenager you defend yourself.
"It's your fault to begin with", you accuse Yoongi. "If you hadn't refused to get rid of this mark, I wouldn't even have gotten mad!"
Yoongi's back stiffens. "Taehyung, could you leave us alone?", he asks, and the younger gets up immediately. Surprisingly quickly and quietly, he leaves the room. Yoongi turns around and his glance lands on you. His eyes are cold, no sign of redness anywhere.
"This is the thanks I get?", he scoffs. "If it wasn't for me, you'd be long dead, youngling. Keep that in mind."

Your heart stings at his words, as dead as it may be. Were you a human, you probably would've cried out of anger, but as a demon, your eyes stay dry, which is frustrating in its own way.
"Then tell me", you ask, taking a few challenging steps forward. "Why did you put this thing on me in the first place if it wasn't for my own sake? You're behaving weird since earlier! Is getting rid of it that difficult?"
Yoongi's eyes are so black and deep you're afraid you're gonna fall into them. Suddenly, all your courage is drained from your body. You can only stand there and watch as Yoongi approaches you with slow steps.
"It is not", he says. His voice is deep and rough and husky and the way it rasps over your skin makes your spine tingle with these three, simple words alone. He approaches you with the casual elegance of a predator that knows exactly his prey won't escape, eyeing you calmly.
Too calmly.

You back away from him, but his movements don't falter, and at some point, your back bumps against the wall.
You're cornered, and now Yoongi's eyes swallow you whole.
He stops right in front of you. Yoongi isn't as tall as Namjoon, he's on the slim side, but he still towers over you, presence growing thicker and sweeter every second.
I can't breathe, you think as he stares at you.
"You really want to know why I refused to erase the mark?", he whispers, leaning forward. His fingertips find the white lines around your wrist and caress them ever so slightly. Now his face is right in front of yours. His glance rests on your expression, head slightly cocked to the side as if he's a curious dog. His eyes trail off to your lips.
"Are you sure?"

Your breath hitches in your throat, and it's not because of his presence or aura or anything of that sort.
Yoongi's cool fingers roughly grab your jaw and he tilts your head upwards. His rings – you never noticed he wore rings – are icy against your skin, but the cold is contradicted by the surprising warmth and softness of Yoongi's lips that are now pressed against yours. The kiss is chaste, harmless, and yet it sends a shudder down your body that makes your knees tremble. You don't know if it's out of fear or something else, but the feeling of your soul being ripped apart, which you vaguely remember and almost expect, doesn't happen.
After what feels like an eternity, but was probably just a few seconds, Yoongi pulls back and lets go of your chin. His pupils are dilated as he stares down at you, then he turns around.
"There is your answer", he says before he leaves. The door closes, and you're alone in the room.

After managing to sit down on one of the sofas, you don't move for an eternity. Knees pulled to your chest, you replay the earlier scene in your head again and again, and every time your heart flutters.
You wonder how Yoongi feels, being hundreds of thousands of years old. Do the hearts of beings that old still flutter at all?
You're ripped out of your daze by the sound of the door opening. It's Jin and, to your surprise, Namjoon. The latter doesn't look at you as he pours himself a glass of whatever sickly sweet liquor he can find. Jin, however, smiles at you, then quirks an eyebrow.
"What's with that position?", he asks, giving Namjoon a thankful nod as he offers him a glass as well. The leader finally dares to look at you and after noticing that you're busy with your own thoughts, not mad at him, he carefully puts a glass on the table next to you before he sits down by Jin's side.

"Y/N, are you okay?", Jin asks with a frown as you don't answer to his question.
You nod.
"You don't look like it. What happened?", Namjoon finally opens his mouth. "You look like you saw a ghost."
You're too stressed out to even appreciate the joke. If only it was.
"Y/N, come on, answer. There's nothing we haven't heard of before", Jin reassures you and you dare to lift your glance.
Jin snickers. "Even we can't make out what you're saying when your words are muffled by your own arm. Come on, sit up. Have a drink. It'll help."
And as always, it does. But the fluttery feeling in your chest doesn't vanish. After a few sips, however, you finally muster the courage to speak up about what happened. 
"Yoongi kissed me."

Jin's and Namjoon's eyes widen and they look at each other for a moment, but instead of being shocked, mad or in disbelief, Namjoon just looks to the side with a small twitch of his lips while taking a sip of his drink and Jin chuckles.
"So he finally did it", he comments, unimpressed, while raising his glass. "I'm surprised he didn't do it sooner."
"YOU KNEW?" You look at the two in utter shock.
The eldest grins. "It was impossible to miss. Yoongi was always gentle with souls, but you..." He shakes his head. "I mean, we all sensed you were different. But his level of protectiveness was something else. We got suspicious pretty quickly."

Namjoon agrees with an absentminded nod while you bury your face in your hands. They all noticed?!
"Just a word though, Y/N", Jin interrupts your internal squealing again. His expression is serious and he leans forward to get his point across. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't make him wait for too long." He lowers his voice. "Especially if you intend to reject him. Demons take such things very serious, and love doesn't happen often for us. It is easiest to bear if you make it quick. Understood?"

You nod. "This makes things complicated...", you sigh, sipping on your liquor. Jin smiles at you sympathetically. "I can understand that", he says. "Try to not let it stress you, alright?"
You nod, your glance wandering over to Namjoon. He still seems absentminded, deep in thought. His expression is serious, eyebrows the tiniest bit knitted, and he's not looking at you.
"Is everything alright?", you ask him and he jerks out of his haze. "Yes. Excuse me", he says. "What you saw earlier... Is always a little exhausting." You can feel he doesn't want to touch upon the topic further, so you leave him be. A few minutes later, he leaves the room.

You look at Jin who returns your glance with an amused sparkle in his eyes. "Did I do something wrong?", you ask, and he shakes his head, raising his glass.
"No, Y/N, you did absolutely nothing wrong. Even demons can be fools sometimes. That is all." 

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