Fulfillment I

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After Heishe's words, there's a moment of silence, then you can hear Namjoon taking a deep breath. "Finally", he whispers. He's not the only one - you can see something awakening in the eyes of all the Sins. It's hunger - not just for souls, you assume, but for power and, eventually, revenge.
Before anyone can say anything else, Heishe's glance flickers in your direction and he lowers his head until it hangs right in front of you. The gold in his eyes still pierces whatever part is left of your soul, and you're not sure if you'll ever get used to it.
"You must feed too", the dragon says slowly, knowing or assuming that this is a difficult topic for you. "You may have an extraordinary gift, but you must strengthen yourself."
His words make you feel uncomfortable. You never thought the time for you to take a human's soul would come so soon. Unsure of how to reply, you throw Yoongi a glance. The determined shimmer in his eyes almost frightens you, and yet it sends a pleasant shiver down your spine.

As if he knows what's going on inside you, the corners of his mouth twitch in amusement, curling into the faintest smile.
"You'll be fine", Jin jumps in to alleviate your fears. "We'll make sure to guide you." "And rest assured", Heishe adds, the glow in his eyes intensifying, tip of his tail twitching behind him, "that none of these humans had a gruesome death. They weren't tortured, and they didn't feel any pain."
"How would you know?" Your voice is small, smaller than you intended it to be, and you can see the emotion in Yoongi's eyes softening.

Heishe, however, raises his head, as if he is offended by your questioning of his abilities. "Because I made sure of it", he declares coolly. "It is not a difficult thing to do to dull a human's sense of pain and fear."
"And why would you do that?", Namjoon interjects, genuine interest audible in his voice. Heishe swings his head around to direct his piercing gaze at him. "Because I have no interest in torturing humans", he says.
The demon leans back in his seat, a curious expression on his face, but he doesn't ask further. You almost wish he did, because you are almost sure that Heishe's reason for not torturing humans is not that he loves them so much. For the first time, you realize he is just as wicked as the other superhuman beings you have met. It's to be expected after such a long lifetime, but you had still hoped that Heishe carries more humanity within him than the demons. At this point, you wonder if you are wrong.

"Be that how it may", the dragon continues, turning back to you. "If a battle arises, especially if you need to fight or use your abilities, as limited as they may be at this point, you need to be strong. And that is only possible with a soul." His expression softens, as far as that's possible for a dragon's hard, scaly face. I know this is difficult for you, my Queen, he continues in your head, as if he wants to save your face. But there is no other option, I am afraid.
It takes you a few moments to finally get your head to nod. The thought of consuming what is essentially another human still disgusts you to a certain degree, but remembering your experience at the banquet of the Ayabbi - where, while you kept your self-control, the scent of the human still almost overwhelmed you - you know that you won't need to bring yourself to consume it.
It'll come to you as naturally as breathing is for a human, and that is exactly what's scaring you. "Fine", you say quietly. "If I must."

The dragon seems satisfied with this answer, as he raises his head and doesn't press you any further on the matter. "Pride and I confirmed that there should be no side effects, if you will, to our endeavor", he explains. "That means we are able to go forth with it whenever and however we wish." He turns his head, peering at Namjoon, who is still sitting in his chair directly below him. "How do you want to proceed, Head of the Seven?", Heishe asks calmly.

Namjoon looks up, seeming a bit surprised that the being is asking him for input. Given the dragon's age and power, none of the demons would be able to object if he decided to postpone the ceremony.
Instead of giving an immediate reply, Namjoon lets his glance wander over the others, checking the reaction of each and every one of them, even you. It proves how experienced he is as the strongest of this group - and maybe how far he's come. You're not sure, but you assume there was a time when Namjoon would just do whatever pleased him, without any regard for the opinions of the others.

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