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His demand is so unexpected that it leaves you stunned for a minute. Next to you, Daimon jumps to his feet, the fur in his neck and on his back raising as he hisses at the dragon in front of you.
"What did you say?!"

"My... familiar?", you repeat, still shocked. "Why?"
Don't, Y/N, Daimon jumps in before Heishe can even start to reply. The dragon seems to sense the internal dialogue going on, because he keeps quiet and still.
Dragons are bad news!

How so?, you ask. Even in your mind, Daimon hisses, his claws scratching over the ground as he paws at the stones restlessly. His voice sounds the tiniest bit panicked.
They have immense powers, way too much. They're not loyal like normal familiars, but they use anyone for their cause. Dragons can only use their powers if they're bound to someone. 
So he only wants me to be able to use his powers?
Daimon snarls. Heishe's eyes flicker over to him in interest.
I can't tell, your familiar finally sighs. He sounds defeated, as if he wishes to have a reason to kill Heishe right here, right now. Maybe. Maybe not. Truth is, once they're bound to someone, dragons can't use their powers to harm that person or go against their wishes. They're unbelievably strong, but as you can see, very limited in what they can do. He shakes his heavy head.
So that's why he said he can only free us under this condition, you realize. He really can't help us if I don't make him my familiar.
Daimon scoffs. We'll find another way.

No. Wait.
You step forward until your chest almost touches the prison bars. "Heishe" you call. The dragon's head moves towards you. His eyes are fluid gold.
"Why were you with the Ayabbi?", you calmly ask.
Heishe hums, making the ground of the cave vibrate as he settles on it. Like this, he looks like a giant snake, apart from the fur on his head and tail, his head itself and the golden spikes on his back.
"I've been with them for a few decades", he answers. "I was hoping one of them would agree to make me their familiar, but alas, the Ayabbi don't seem to be interested in such support."
Daimon's eyes narrow. The grumble in his chest doesn't die down, though it's far too quiet and easily overpowered by the buzzing shockwaves Heishe's voice sends through the cobblestone.
"So you didn't care what they did", you conclude, crossing your arms in front of your chest. "You would have supported them anyway."

A throaty, small snicker escapes Heishe's mouth, accompanied by a wave of hot air that rustles through your hair. "The world is much bigger than the Ayabbi are, young demon", he says, blinking. "There are creatures far more evil out there, and far more active on top. The Ayabbi, by now, have become a bunch of useless appendages to Lucifer's court." He shifts on the ground, his metal scales scratching over the stone. 
"I have lived tens of thousands of years. For the past millennium, I have not been able to use my powers, simply because there was no one worth bonding with me. But you..." He shifts again as if restless, the slits in his eyes narrowing as he looks you up and down, irises beaming with golden intensity.
"You are somewhat special."

"How so?", Daimon now asks. The tip of his tail is twitching. You can feel he's still controlling his anger, but his curiosity wins. "What do you know?"
"Nothing that would help you as of now", Heishe answers, but you have a feeling he's avoiding the full truth. "What I know is that her powers are extraordinary." He lifts his massive head, staring down at you.
"You're the one. The destined one. It must be you."

Daimon sucks in a harsh breath, pain flickers through your body, but it's not physical. It feels as if Heishe pushed a spear through his chest. Heartbreak.
What is it?, you ask. What does he mean?
He's saying you're his destined Bound.
The young man's voice sounds miserable. Such connections are rare, but there are pairs of familiars and Bounds who are destined to be together. It's a connection and a form of power that... nothing else compares to. 
"That can't be", you mumble to yourself aloud, raising your head again to look at the dragon in front of you.
"What do you say, young one?", he asks, voice roaring through the cave. "Will you allow me to aid you?"

You throw him one last glance before you turn towards Daimon and kneel down. "Hey", you whisper, taking his big head into your two hands and forcing him to look at you. "I will not give you up. I won't leave you. I promise."
His tail taps on the ground.
"Is it possible to have more than one familiar?", you ask.
He leans his head into your palm. I've never heard of it. But I don't know why it shouldn't be possible.
Do you trust me?
Daimon's silver eyes lock with yours, their glow slowly returning as he purrs from the back of his throat.

You nod and lean your forehead against his for a second before you stand up. His tail curls around your ankles.
"I've decided", you announce loudly, clenching your hands into fists to prevent them from trembling. Heishe's head lowers again, it seems almost as if he wanted to give you the privacy you needed, even though you're sure he heard everything loud and clear.
"Then tell me, youngling." His voice rolls through you with the power of a thousand tsunamis. "What is your decision?"

You muster all your courage and lift your head high. "I will make you my familiar", you say, to which the dragon's eyes burn so brightly his pupils become almost invisible.
"A good choice", he replies, lowering his head even further.
"Wait", you stop him before he can reach the bars of the cell. "Under one condition."
Heishe seems surprised, but not angry. "A condition", he repeats. "Very well. Let me hear it."
"There will come no harm to Daimon or the bond between us." Your eyes narrow and you can feel them sting as redness spreads within them. "He's told me you cannot act against my wishes, but I want your promise that you will not try to boycott or manipulate the bond between us in any way, Heishe."

The dragon hums again, glance flickering towards Daimon who returns it with the stoic calm you know him for.
"You have nothing to worry about", the being in front of you finally replies, returning his attention to you. "I have not come here to rob you of your familiar, nor friends. You have no need to be so suspicious of me."
"Well, you've been with the Ayabbi", you retort, raising your chin even higher. "It will need time for us to trust you completely."

The tail of the dragon whips through the air in agitation, almost hitting one of the stone walls, but he calms down before he can do any harm.
"It stands to reason", he slowly says as the glow in his eyes dies down. "Will you allow me to mark you, then?"
You exchange one last glance with Daimon, then you extend your left hand through the bars.
Heishe stills. "The other one", he says after a short pause. "You did not want me to erase Daimon's mark, did you?"
Bloodless heat rises to your cheeks as you pull your hand back. Daimon's silver mark is glowing on its palm. "Sorry", you whisper to Daimon who scoffs amusedly in your head.

This time, you shove your right hand through the bars. Heishe inhales deeply.
"Finally", he whispers before he swoops down on you.
The sight of a huge dragon lunging at your hand is terrifying to say the least and you're barely able to keep your instincts from pulling your hand back behind the safety of the metal bars.
A few centimeters above your palm, Heishe's snout stops. He softly blows on it, then the tip of his snout touches your skin. 

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