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While Yoongi seems almost eager to stab his former friends in the back, your chest starts hurting at his words. "Your family?", you softly ask. "Doesn't it do something to you that you're now enemies?"
Yoongi stops in his movements and turns towards you. His eyes are wide with surprise that you would even think of such things. "Y/N", he says, as if he has to check that you're still sane. "They're the ones who turned me and used me and my potential for their own cause for centuries, and you're asking if it does anything to me?" He huffs and turns away.
"The only thing it does to me is that it makes me wish I could rip all of their heads off by myself."

"But aren't the Ayabbi needed to keep the underworld in order?", you remember what the others once told you about the group of demons. You were told they made sure that even the evilest demons stayed somewhat humble and didn't go rogue. "Wouldn't it throw the world of the demons into chaos if they just vanished?"
Again, Yoongi huffs. "They once were", he then replies, even though he sounds hesitant. He reaches for the glass of whiskey he put down earlier and takes a sip, turning it in his hands after. "But with time, they themselves became drunken with power. They haven't been essential to the demon world for a long time. They should be, maybe – there is plenty of devils who've gone wild without the Ayabbi exerting their power. But they don't care anymore. They hide in their den with their playthings and if they feel like it, they kill some humans or familiars or fellow demons, and that's that. The demonic world has been chaotic for a long time now." His voice sounds so scornful it sends a shiver down your spine.
Yoongi pauses shortly, accompanied by another sip of his whiskey. "Their descend started after I killed Xagire", he then admits. "He was the one holding them together. Vazgan is incredibly powerful, but Xagire was on a whole other level. There was a time when I respected him for that, but in the end, he was just as much of a pest as the rest of them." He grimaces. "I should have killed them all while I was at it."

"Why didn't you?"
The question surprises even yourself. You don't like the thought of Yoongi killing someone just to kill, but curiosity takes over way too easily. "Why didn't you kill the rest?"
Yoongi's dark eyes rest on your face for a second. "I was young", he then says. "I may have been one or two millenia old when it happened, but as you should know by now, that is nothing to demons. I'm almost 17.500 years old now." The chuckle that follows his words has a bitter undertone to it. "I was young, but that wasn't all of it. At that point in time, I didn't have a reason to hate the rest of the Ayabbi. I only realized that they used me much later. You know", he interrupts himself by chugging his whiskey, then pouring another glass, "the Ayabbi seem like this strong, united group, but some of them can't even stand each other, and there's always a power struggle." The demon throws you a glance. "They're demons. Demons aren't necessarily made to be forced to spend time together. The Seven Sins are an exception, since we are... well, you know, the Sins. And we chose to stay together. The Ayabbi didn't." His glance burns on your face.
"The Ayabbi were assembled by Lucifer himself to do the work he couldn't. Not because he couldn't, but because he has more pressing matters to take care of. And thus, they turned out to be his biggest failure, but now it's too late."

After his monologue, silence fills the room for a while. You stare into the eternal flames in the fireplace and try to process what you just heard.
"So the Ayabbi aren't as perfect as everyone is made to believe", you suddenly perk up. "That's a weakness, isn't it?"
Yoongi chuckles. "It is", he then says and watches the grin form on your face with amusement in his eyes. "But at your current stage, I would use this knowledge with care. The Ayabbi can kill you with a flick of their wrists, if they honestly wanted to." His expression darkens, but he keeps looking at you. "Personally, I do not believe they will. But there is always a risk."
"They won't?", you wonder now. "How can you be so sure?"

The devil shrugs and takes another sip of his drinks. Instead of replying to your question right away, he offers you a glass, too. You accept, even though you're still hesitant about consuming so much alcohol – despite knowing that it doesn't do much to demons.
Only when you have a cold glass of whiskey in your hands does Yoongi continue. He puts his head back and stares at the ceiling while he speaks, as if it is difficult for him to do.
"I am almost sure they won't kill you because I was once where you are now." Without lifting his head to look at you, he sips on his drink. You follow his example, the alcohol causing a comfortable warmth to spread in your stomach, even though it is only for a second.
"I was once the young, crisp demon full of potential that they could have manipulated to their heart's content, and if I didn't flee, they would have used me for their sick causes. And eventually, if I became too powerful, they would have ripped me apart." He pauses.
"You're a young demon with a difficult past. You were a Xiqaa, and then you were turned against your will, and now you are sort of confined to this cave, even though you are not part of the contract. You are bound by your relationship with the Sins." He glances at you from the corners of his eyes. They are full of worry.
"The Ayabbi are clever. They know you have every reason in the world to leave this cave. But you are young and inexperienced, and what they will offer you – and I expect them to offer you something – might sound too tempting for you to say No."

Silence fills the room after his explanation.
"I can only warn you", Yoongi continues. His voice is soft now and he finally sits up to look at you. Lifting one hand, he runs his fingertips down your cheek and across your jawline, plucking a few stubborn strands of hair out of your face. He looks peaceful as he does so, his movements are slow. It seems as if he is enjoying every single moment.
"I can only warn you, and I am aware that what I am saying might sound unbelievable to you. If you make the decision to join the Ayabbi, there is nothing me or the others can do from afar. That will all be up to you. But in that case, I have tried at least to keep you from demise."

His eyes burn as he locks them with yours. "I wouldn't want you to leave this place for something as despicable as the Ayabbi. But you're not in shackles, and you deserve to see the world. And if you'd decide to join them, I can only hope they will not harm you."
He smiles wryly.
"I would pray, but I am certain my prayers wouldn't be listened to."

You can't help a chuckle at his self-irony.
"I don't think you have to worry", you reply, impulsively taking his hand from your face and intertwining your fingers with his. You watch your two hands, trying to figure out what you are feeling.
Yoongi takes a deep breath.
"I don't intend to leave you, or the Seven Sins", you softly continue. He listens closely. "Not for the Ayabbi, or anything else." Raising your head, you blink at him.

"If Ileave this cave for good, it will be together with you all. I promise."

Seven Sins - Second Part | BTS x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now