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At Yoongi's words, the power within you begins to rage and your eyes glow a devilish red, even if you can't see it for yourself. But you can feel it. Your muscles are ready to push your body forward and attack Yoongi, and the only thing keeping you from doing it is the rest of your human rationality telling you not to do it. Ergo, your body is trembling in place, tense like a bow about to release its arrow, and you stare Yoongi down.
Or you try to, anyway, because the older demon seems as relaxed as one could be when he smiles at you.
"Don't dare to? Good girl", he says with a smug expression and slowly turns his back on you.

The irrationality within you is too quick to explode for you to realize that he's obviously doing all this on purpose. With a mixture of a hiss and a roar that echoes through the cave, you dash forward to knock Yoongi over...
Only to realize that he is suddenly three feet further to the left, looking at you in feigned surprise. His nonchalant attitude makes the demon within you rage even more. "Stay still and let me hit you", you growl, and whatever rationality is left in you is shocked at what your voice suddenly sounds like – deep, scratchy and just overall unpleasant. Non-human. Demonic.
"In what dimension would that be of any fun, Y/N?" Yoongi's soft words contradict his expression with a smile full of macabre joy. "Come and get me already."

You dash forward again, satisfaction rushing through you when you feel the stone cracking underneath the pressure of your feet, but the impact you expected doesn't come, and when you twirl around furiously, Yoongi is gone yet again, some meters away from you, eyeing you up and down curiously. "Still not fast enough", he states, as if he's watching a fly trying to get away from a spider, and you snarl at him before you resume your attack.
It's of no use. Everytime you deem Yoongi close enough to finally crush him between your fingers, he ends up somewhere else, away from your grip. The demon within you is raging while all you can do is witness your actions like a bystander, unable to go against the raw emotions.
Until Yoongi finally stands in front of you. Even as a demon, his movement is too fast for you to predict, and before you can escape, his hands close around your wrists and hold them in place. "Listen to me, Y/N", he whispers, looking you in the eyes so intensively human you would probably have blushed. "The power you are feeling right now... You can control it. Push it down. Form it into a shape. Compress it, however you'd like. Don't let it consume you."

He has you, the demon thinks. He has you listening, and if he can trust the flicker of understanding in your eyes, you ar willing to follow his instructions.
As soon as his expression softens and the glow in his eyes lessens, you rip your wrists from his grip and jump at him with a hiss.
Unable to dodge your attack completely, Yoongi swerves to the side, but you manage to get a hold of his arm and dig your fingers into it with devilish content flaring in your eyes before you rip at it, dislocating the demon's shoulder and leaving his arm flapping around his left side.
To your discontent, Yoongi doesn't even flinch, and no sound comes over his lips even though he still feels pain, as you know. Instead, he takes a few steps back and the calmness lingering around his figure makes you halt.
Yoongi's arm snaps back into the right position with a scrunch that makes you shiver, and then he looks up. His eyes are a blazing red, burning in his face like two pits of lava, and suddenly his aura weighs heavily on your shoulders.
"You little bitch", he hisses, but his wide grin shows that he is beginning to enjoy this – in the sick, twisted way only demons can.
And then he ducks.

On the walls of the Seven Sins' castle, Jin grimaces. "Is this really needed?", he asks into the darkness and is answered by a deep, raspy voice.
"It is", Namjoon replies and steps up next to him, attentively watching the ensuing fight from afar. "You felt it too, in the living room. She's too strong. She needs to blow off some steam."
"With Yoongi?" Jin's voice is laced with doubt and disbelief. "You know what happens if he feels his pride is hurt?"
The other chuckles deeply. "Let him handle it", he says. "Yoongi may seem out of control, but you know he never will be. He will stop when it's time to stop, as always."
Jin does not seem convinced, but he can't do anything now. Instead, he and Namjoon stand next to each other, watching as the battle finds a slow end.

Yet again, Yoongi ist too fast for your eyes to catch him, and when they do, he's already right in front of you and closes his hand around your neck.
Next thing you now, he bangs you against a rock wall somewhere behind you. As a human, you would have been knocked out for at least two days, but as a demon, you merely feel the impact rolling through your body and huff as the unnecessary air is knocked out of your lungs.
"Stop. Playing. Around", Yoongi growls and his glance burns into your eyes. "You can't win, so give up already! Let me help you!"
As a response, you show your teeth – sharper now than they were before your transformation, but still not enough to intimidate Yoongi. He bangs your head against the stone wall again and you grunt.
"Stop it."

You push against Yoongi's grip and get him to stumble back a bit, which is enough for you to kick him against the chest, sending him flying over the ground until he digs his fingers into the ground and makes himself stop. There's silence until the dust has cleared a little, and then the two of you dash forward at the same time – you with a loud growl, and Yoongi entirely silent.
The demon comes closer and closer, and as you prepare to knock him off his feet, he has already pushed you over and forces you to the ground with all his body weight; he is so fast that you only realize what happened when he pins your wrists to the ground and looks at you.

The dust clears until all that hangs in the air is the absence of heavy breathing that you would expect after such a fight. Instead, complete quiet falls over the cave.

"Come on Y/N", Yoongi finally rasps. His eyes are still glowing evil red and you're unable to avert your glance from his face. "I know you're somewhere in there."
And just like that, the rage comes to a halt, like a summer storm that fades into a warm breeze.
"I'm here", you manage to force past the dryness in your throat. Your voice sounds rough and strained and Yoongi's expression softens. The glow in his eyes lessens, but his weight – and that of his unsettled aura that flickers around him - on your body is still enough to keep you from moving too much.
"Welcome back", he smiles, and you cannot help but smile back weakly. A great exhaustion fills your body, but it's not physical.
As you're about to thank him, something else arises in your mind and you eyes Yoongi's body worriedly. "Did I hurt you?", you croak, and Yoongi looks taken aback.
"Hurt me?" The words sound weak, as if he's unsure how to pronounce them. "No."
He looks down on you and a new expression flickers over his face. He still looks soft, but there's something else – he looks reserved and hungry at the same time, and he seems confused.
Hastily, Yoongi lets go of your wrists and rises from your body.
"Are you hurt?", he asks, and again the words sound as if it's a foreign language he's speaking.
You stand up and check for any wounds, although you know he did not leave a single scratch. Then you smile at him, and again his expression is bordering on confusion.

"No, Yoongi. Far from it."

Seven Sins - Second Part | BTS x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now