The Request

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"A request?", you ask, frowning. "What kind of request?"
Daimon looks at you intensely for a moment, then clears his throat and averts his glance.
"I'm sure you've noticed I've been sticking around you for a while now", he says. "That was for a reason." Unlike what his body language suggests, he doesn't seem ashamed or overly conscious of it. On the contrary: he sounds firm, almost proud.
He lifts his head and looks at you again.
"I want to become your familiar."

"My... familiar?", you repeat, stunned. "But..."
"I am not Jimin's familiar anymore, if that's what you intended to say", Daimon interjects, his expression is cloudy. "And I don't intend to win him back."
"But we have to bring him back", you say.
The familiar shakes his head.
"I have no intention of acknowledging him ever again. What he did proved to me all too well what kind of demon he is." Although it seems impossible, his face and voice turn even darker.
"A honorless one."

His words leave you speechless.
"Can I think about it?", you finally manage to ask after a long pause. Daimon's eyes burn into yours.
"No", he says, taking a step forward and extending a pleading hand towards you. He lowers his voice.
"If we head in there, if I'm not your familiar, there's only so much I can do. It would be so much safer if I could do what I'm supposed to do."
His eyes are gleaming with something that takes you a few seconds to identify, but suddenly it hits you.
Daimon is lonely.
It's only logical – he is a familiar, made to be paired up with a demon to support and assist him. He isn't made to be alone. Only now do you realize he's kept it together ever since he left Jimin or Jimin left him, whichever it was, and has been acting strong. Noone knows how long that has been if, as he claimed, the bond between him and Jimin hasn't been very strong to begin with.
A lump starts to form in your throat.

"Are you sure?", you quietly ask. Your words make his head perk up and he takes another small step forward.
"Yes", he answers firmly, fire slowly spreading in his eyes. "Please, Y/N. Let me protect you."

Another pause forms while you gather your thoughts.
"Okay", you finally hear yourself say. "What needs to be done?"
Daimon's face lights up. He seems to be back to his old self that he was on the surface before his power returned.
"Give me your hand", he says. You follow his words and he carefully takes it as if it's made of glass that could shatter any moment.
He turns it so that your palm faces upward. For a second, he stares at the clean, empty skin, then he lifts his other hand. "I would say this hurts but", he throws you a short smile, "it won't."

It is still an unsettling sight when Daimon paints a bloody mark on his palm and then yours using one of his sharp fingernails. Both wounds heal quickly, but yours is a bit faster than his. It leaves behind a white, shimmering scar. It's not as vibrant as the mark Yoongi put on you, which is still faintly glowing on your wrist, but it is still pretty.
You raise your hand to examine the drawing. It seems to consist of a few letters which are impossible for you to read, arranged in a complex pattern that is just as meaningless to you.
"That is all?", you ask roughly.

Daimon doesn't reply and when you lower your hand to look for him, you find to your horror that he is on the ground on all fours, gasping and shaking. You rush forward and kneel down next to him, hands hovering over his body helplessly because you're afraid to hurt him.
"Daimon! Daimon, are you okay?"

For a few minutes, the familiar doesn't reply to your calls, he doesn't even make a sound. Finally, his body calms down a bit and when the violent shaking has stopped completely, he shifts and then lifts his head.
Daimon's eyes are intensely staring at you, liquid silver that is swirling around his thin slit of a pupil. The sight sends a shock down your entire body and suddenly something else than you fills your body, something foreign and strange.

Calm down, Daimon's voice echoes through your head and you shuffle away from him.
This is what it feels like to have a familiar.
The feeling is so strange that it takes a few moments for you to regain your voice.
Can you hear me?, you ask, to which the familiar nods, emotions still pouring into you from him. It is a confusing swirl of happiness, sadness and elevation; so intense that you shield yourself from it almost instinctively. Suddenly, you're relieved Yoongi taught you the basics of emotional control before you came here.

"Thank you", Daimon finally says in his physical voice while he struggles back to his feet. His muscles are still slightly trembling and his hair is ruffled, but he seems fine otherwise.
"A Bound is a forceful thing, especially for the familiar." He shakes like a dog would, as if he's uncomfortable in his skin. It reminds you of the behavior he showed when he turned for you the first time. As if a human body didn't suit him. "Would you mind if I returned to my animal form?"

You shake your head, still somewhat speechless, and watch just as quietly. As a human, Daimon's turning seemed somewhat unspectacular to you, it was a quick and easy process. As a demon, however, you now watch closely as Daimon's body stretches into something else and black shiny fur springs from his skin while his hands and feet morph into big, sharp-clawed paws.
When the transition is done, what stands before you isn't the small cat you're used to. It isn't even remotely close, and weren't you a demon, you'd probably be scrambling for your life. A large, black predator is squinting at you, eyes still liquid, glowing silver, whiskers trembling.
Daimon has turned into a panther.

"What the..." Yet again, you are too shocked to actually be able to utter anything. Sadly, being a demon doesn't save you from all the things you don't know and the surprise that learning inevitably brings.
A deep mew rolls from the cat's throat as he approaches you with heavy, yet elegant steps and rubs around your legs so forcefully it almost topples you.
Did you think I am that limited in my abilities?, Daimon's voice fills your head. He sounds amused. A familiar's form depends on its Bound's power. And your power is... A purr breaks from the panther's chest, vibrating against the back of your legs and reminding you that this is all way too real.

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