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Had you held anything in your hands, it probably would've fallen to the ground with a loud clang by now.
But you don't, and it doesn't, so you can only stand and watch. You're sure Jimin has heard you – he is a demon, for Lucifer's sake, with senses as sharp as a Japanese sword – but he doesn't pay you any mind. The scene before you is so crystal-clear in your mind that you already wish you were able to erase it.

The three women who surround Jimin are beautiful but look unbelievably young. Their bodies are clearly adult and perfect on top, their faces however are a weird mixture of old and young. It's as if they're adults with faces of teenagers, kids even. The only clothes the women are wearing are weird metallic tops that barely cover their chest and very short pants from the same material. They all have light-blonde hair, though differently styled, and when one of them looks at you, you can see her icy blue eyes and her sharp, slim fangs. She licks her lips and grins at you provocatively before she returns to Jimin who is mumbling sweet nothings at another one of the three. She giggles at his words, a sound so sweet it makes you sick to your stomach.
The only thing giving away that they are not human is their tails – a shiny dark-grey, thick at the base, increasingly slim towards the end. They seem metallic, yet soft at the time; a fascinating view. The only clothes the women are wearing are weird metallic tops that barely cover their chest and very short pants from the same material.

Finally, Jimin looks up.
Pinkish red eyes meet yours and then his lips curl into a sweet, sweet smile.
Another girl demands his attention with quiet, foreign words, her tail slithering across his lazing body, and he gives in. While she turns his head with one of her sharp fingernails, his hand presses into the back of her head, and then he kisses her.
It's almost too much to look at, and yet you can't avert your glance. And then you can feel it – power, dripping from the bank, filling the whole hall with its suppressing scent.
The others feel it too. You can hear Zoczi shift on the windowsill. The men stay as they are, seemingly unfazed, but you're sure that they can feel what is going on.
After a long, deep kiss, Jimin shoves the girl to the side and turns so that his naked feet meet the ground. He's wearing a loose white shirt with several of the buttons opened, revealing most of his smooth, slim chest and stomach. His trousers are just as loose, though a light beige color, almost white.

He lifts from the bench and the sickly sweet power starts dripping from the wall, coating the columns, wall, even Vazgan's throne. It's almost as choking as Vazgan's power was before, but in a whole other way.
You swallow. Noone told you how to defy Jimin's influence. You can feel how your brain grows fuzzy and the area between your thighs is tingling. You press them together in an attempt to fight the liquid heat that is dripping from it, but with every step he takes, the feeling grows more intense until you're almost about to moan. Jimin's presence is so dark and heavy that you expect the ground to crack beneath his feet with every step, but nothing happens.

The heat rises to your cheeks and your chest and you barely prevent yourself from clutching at it.
Jimin's smile widens and the pink of his eyes fills your head – along with the plumpness of his lips.

And then something presses against your leg.

Daimon has walked up to you after staying behind earlier when he was too wary of Vazgan's presence in your back to stay by your side. Now he's made up his mind.
His fur, cool against Jimin's heat, rubs against you, you can feel it even through your pants. His heavy tail curls around your ankles and you barely muster the strength to put a hand on his head.
And as if by magic, Jimin's influence wanes.

He can feel it immediately. You can tell because he stops, eyes narrowing. He was clearly enjoying his little show, which has been interrupted by Daimon's appearance.
You stroke over Daimon's soft head, fingers sinking into the thick fur while your thoughts clear up. His ear twitches, but he keeps quiet.
Jimin's glance darts down at him and he returns it impressively unimpressed. In fact, you have never seen Daimon wear such a cold expression – arrogant and distanced, yes.
Cold? No.
He acts as if Jimin doesn't even exist. The silver eyes ignore his figure altogether while his presence as your familiar pulses through your body in the most calming, reassuring way.

You lift your head, pressing your lips together, and look right at him.
Your voice sounds softer than you wanted it to be, way too soft. Jimin rips his glance from Daimon, clearly not indifferent to the fact that his former familiar has chosen a new master.
"Y/N", he says. He sounds surprisingly normal, given that he's betrayed the Seven and joined the Ayabbi on top of the clearly absurd situation. 
"You look well."

You give a quiet nod. You feel awkward, the tension of the situation is weighing down on your shoulders and you're unsure of what to say. Can you say anything, really?
You muster Jimin. He is still oozing power, only now it doesn't influence you because of Daimon's touch. Apart from that, he seems to be feeling at home – and, if you can judge from the impact of his influence, well-fed.
The thought alone makes your stomach curl. Daimon leans against your leg even heavier.
I don't know what to say to him, you say.
Then don't say anything, he finally answers. He sounds a bit harder than before, but you know it isn't directed at you. He doesn't deserve it, anyway.
But I have to say something.
Again, Daimon stays quiet. Apparently the situation doesn't leave him as unfazed as he'd like to claim.

"How are the others?", Jimin asks. It is a calm question with little emotion and his indifferent attitude almost makes you want to not answer him – or charge at him and hit him to a pulp.
Daimon's whiskers twitch in amusement.
"Good", you say firmly. "As good as they can be, with you gone out of the blue."

One of the young women comes to the front. Her steps are the most elegant thing you have ever seen and it almost mesmerizes you, but then Daimon's warning rolls through your head.
Don't. Make. That Mistake.
His words feel urgent enough for you to avert your glance.
The woman approaches Jimin and snuggles against his side, her tail curling around his thigh tentatively while she sends you death-stares.
"Come back to us", she whispers into his ear.
Relax, says Daimon as he senses the turmoil in you. Ignore her. Ignore him.

"Interesting!", Vazgan shouts, almost making you flinch. Jimin doesn't even look at him, he's busy caressing the woman's cheek as she is glued to his side.
"I think that concludes this conversation", Vazgan says with a smile that could almost be interpreted as being apologetic, and you're starting to suspect that the Ayabbi gave Jimin these three women to keep him off their backs.
They're succubi, Daimon confirms your thoughts.

Vazgan snips his fingers, to which you return your attention to him. The evil flicker from before has returned to his eyes and his voice is low when he speaks.
"We are indeed graced with your presence, dear Y/N. It is only right for us to offer you a banquet." The grin widens until it looks almost maniac. 

"Yes, indeed. A banquet that is worth the troubles you went through to get here." 

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