Journey II

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You take a few steps closer towards Daimon. His fingertips are already shimmering, as if his powers are pooling within them, ready to break free.
"Where are we going?", you ask.

Daimon grins. It's one of the few moments where he shows his boyish side.
"A few hundred miles south", he says, lifting his head and looking around as he speaks. "We're taking the route I used to get back to the cave. On the way here I was too weak to use teleportation..." He looks back down on his hands as his voice trails off.
"Take my hand."

Although your muscles are trembling with nervousness, you follow his instructions. To your surprise, his skin is warm, even warmer than you remember a human's skin to be. Surprised, you look up into his face.
"You're warm", you say tonelessly and he gives you a small smile. "Cats have a higher body temperature than humans", he says, closing his fingers around your hand. "Around 1 or 2 degrees. Are you ready?"
You shake your head and he chuckles.
"Worry not", he says. "I'm fairly good at teleportation."
"Fairly g-", you start with a panicked voice, but before you can finish your sentence, Daimon's grin blurs before your eyes and a second later, you find yourself back in the sterile whiteness of what time and space really looks like.

You take a sharp breath while you're getting used to the weird feeling of being almost weightless, but not quite. Reflexively, you try to pull your hand out of Daimon's grip, but it's hard and unyielding.
"You okay?", he asks from behind. You nod, and one of your non-existent heartbeats later, you're being pulled through time and space. You remember the feeling from when you tried it yourself, yet it's different – you're moving much faster and it doesn't feel quite as shaky and imprecise.
Only a few seconds later, fresh air hits you in the face and the two of you land on solid ground.
"We're here, you can open your eyes", the familiar assures you from behind as he lets go of your hand.

When you finally do, an unbelievable scene opens up before you.
Daimon has brought the two of you on top of a black, jagged mountain chain that extends to the left and right side of you. A cold wind rips on your clothes and hair as you turn around to take in the view. You're so high up that the clouds cover the surrounding nature and even with demonic sight it is almost impossible to make out any details under the quick-moving, white carpet.
"Wow", you breathe and Daimon chuckles. "I figured you'd like this", he says before he starts following a narrow path down the mountain. It's clear that it is little used, as it's overgrown by sturdy, resilient mountain grass and furry flowers with blue blossoms. If it weren't for Daimon, you probably would have taken forever to discover the path which winds down in between edgy, dark rocks and boulders.

"Where are we?", you wonder while you follow Daimon. As a human, this endeavor would probably border on a suicide mission, but the two of you get through the difficult terrain easily.
"It is a region called Amarrha", Daimon says. The wind rips the words off his lips so quickly that even you as a demon have trouble understanding them as they're carried past you. At least I don't feel any cold...
"This part of the land is characterized by its rough climate and the harsh living conditions. As you can probably imagine, it is quite hard to make any sort of grain or plant thrive here..." Daimon takes a detour to slip past a large boulder that has blocked the path.
"Humans manage, but it's definitely a very secluded area." He glances at you as you catch up to him.

"We should also avoid any human contact. Apart from your hunger it's because people here are very suspicious of all supernatural beings, and they're especially wary of demons and spawn of the down world." He pauses for a moment as if to catch his breath. "Amarrha used to be famous for its abundance of exorcists and demon hunters of all kinds – and for their efficiency."

"There were such things as capitals of demonhunters?", you ask against the howling wind. Daimon's expression darkens when he picks up your words.
"A few. Amarrha was definitely the biggest one." He avoids his glance. "Actually, it was a group of exorcists from here that caught Namjoon and forced the Seven Sins down the cave. They were called by the headmaster of your town when they grew aware of their presence. A few demonhunters had failed already, but these guys were well specialized, and Namjoon, well... didn't pay attention."
He avoids his glance, staring straight down the path you're walking on, and you realize he doesn't want to talk about the topic any further. Although you're head is filled with a burning interest for the past of the demons, you refrain from asking any more questions.

Daimon leads you further down the mountain until you reach and then pass the rolling banks of clouds. The land beneath is grey and dull, clearly constantly shaken by its unpleasant weather. The only dim lights you can make out through the curtains of mist and fine, cold drizzle are far, far away.

"Are there still a lot of exorcists around here?", you ask, getting back to the topic you were talking about before Daimon addressed the capture of the Seven Sins. The wind has calmed down a little since you arrived beneath the clouds and Daimon understands your question much quicker than before. He shakes his head.
"Not as far as I can tell, no", he says. "When the Seven Sins were caught, it allegedly alerted a lot of demons. Demonic activity has decreased since then, especially around these areas. Thus the need for exorcists and demon hunters also lessened. But I am positive they're still around. After all, it has been a few hundred years since then and humans never know if and when they will return. I'm sure they are prepared."

Daimon halts in his movements and narrows his eyes into slits, scanning your surroundings. You follow suit but cannot make out anything out of the ordinary.
"What is it?", you ask, stepping up next to him.
The familiar shakes his head. "We need to decide from where to teleport next", he replies. "But I believe it's too early. Let's continue."
"Where do we need to go anyway?"
Daimon lifts his arm and points forward. Following his finger, you try to make out whatever he's showing you. In the far, far away distance, much further than the dim lights you saw earlier, you can make out another black row of mountains, much more steep and sharply ragged than the ones you're standing on, pointy tips boring into the sky. 

"There", Daimon says. "We'll descend to Hell from there." 

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