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You were dead wrong to think Yoongi would forgive you for hurting his pride and making him beg.
After the shake of your hips has made him cum so hard his body keeps trembling for a minute afterwards, he opens his eyes and looks up to you. His glance is hazy, blurred at the corners, but the intensity within it makes up for its lack of sharpness.
"Well, aren't you brave", he hums, lips twitching as his eyes slowly clear and he comes down from his high. His length is already twitching again, seemingly eager to give you a taste of your own medicine.
"Too brave for your own good, Y/N."
At his dark, lustful expression, you expected a growl, but the quiet, low tone of his voice is even more dangerous and the way he speaks your name makes your spine tingle. Slowly, he sits up until you're sitting in his lap, staring at him with a mixture of fear and arousal as he stops only inches away from your face.
His right arm snakes around your waist while he gives your collarbone a quick bite and then gazes into your eyes from beneath, caressing the spot with his lips.
"Are you prepared to bear the consequences of your actions, Y/N?", he whispers against your prickling skin, and your core clenches.
"What consequences?", you breathe back, slowly losing your ability to concentrate as you get lost within the swirling pinkish red of his eyes.

Instead of answering your question, he spins you around with a fast flick of the arm that rested on your waist just a second ago. The twirl is so fast the room rotates around you and finally, you find yourself landing face first on the mattress with a quiet huff as he settles above you, spreading your legs with his knees and pressing his erection against your ass cheeks.
Darkness creeps into the room from its corners, clearly visible despite the fact that the room is already pitch black. Anxiety starts to rise within you as the shadows snatch at the bed with long fingers and you try to prop yourself up, but Yoongi's hand gently smoothes into your back and pushes you down and as your chest clenches with panic, you realize you can't go against him.
"Wasn't this what you wanted?", he asks into your ear, the raspy tone of his voice making you shiver despite the fact that the shadows' presence is less than reassuring.
"Work me up, that is?"

You shake your head No, but Yoongi snickers. It's a simple sound, and yet the amusement and mocking behind it makes you gasp as it travels right through your middle.
Wetness pools between your legs and slowly oozes onto the bedsheets. Eyes wide open, you wonder what on earth is going on, but you can't rip yourself out of whatever the demon has done to you.
Yoongi leans back – you can't see him, but you can tell by the shifting of the mattress – and rubs his length between your cheeks one more time before he reaches downwards and dips his fingertips into your wet folds.
He groans as you stiffen and clutch at the bedsheets.
"Bewal", he says gutturally as he fondles you, relishing every second of this. You can feel him get even harder as his cock replaces his fingers, slowly rubbing against you.
"What you feel isn't fear", he says as he grabs your hips and pulls you towards him. He places one hand in the curve of your spine again, pressing you down onto the mattress as he shoves himself into you tantalizingly slow. It's as if he knows what's going on inside you, knows that you're questioning this and yourself.
"At least not the fear normal animals would feel when confronted with me." His palm runs up your back, fingers sprawling over your exposed skin as his erection pulses and drives you crazy, same as the rough tone of his voice that proves what's lurking within him. An animal, for sure, and maybe – madness.
The shadows twitch, finally let go of the sheets hanging off the edge of the bed and pull back into the corners where they merge with the normal darkness. The cold they radiated lifts off your skin and the heat in your body grows almost unbearable.
"Yoongi", you whimper, and he moans quietly.
"Say it more", he hisses. His fingers dance up your shoulders, quick and faint like spider legs, making your limbs tremble and shiver, then they sneak into the back of your head. With a rough movement, he grips your hair and jerks you towards him. At the same time, his other arm sneaks through both of yours from behind and shackles them in your back.
"Say my name."
Now you're pressed against him, back arching as he keeps you in this unnatural position. He lets go of your hair, as his grip around your arms keeps you from falling over, and his hand sneaks around you to tug at your nipples instead. It sends a sharp tingle into your core and your head falls back onto his shoulder.

Seven Sins - Second Part | BTS x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now