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Daimon's words are ominous, and you know immediately that Yoongi will not be satisfied by his reply.
You're right. "So he does not regret his decision?", the demon asks. Daimon's eyes bore into Yoongi's in an attempt to make him leave the topic alone, but he fails. "Last time I saw him, he did not", the familiar finally gives in and the cold leaves his eyes. "He believes he is in the right, and his hate has almost completely taken over his thinking."
This time, Yoongi does not press further. He kneads his hands as if he is trying to keep them from destroying something or hurting somebody.

"I don't understand it", it slips past your lips. The question has been sitting in your throat for a while, though you didn't want to originally ask it. "You've told me again and again that control of my emotions and thoughts is of the essence. How come Jimin, a Sin, millennia old, has lost himself to his negative feelings to the point of just... leaving?"
For a second, it looks like Jin and Hoseok will speak up to reply to your question, but Yoongi interrupts both of them. "Because he loved, Y/N", he says. His eyes are even blacker than before, but at least he is looking at you, a dark fire consuming you under his gaze. "Love, for demons, is a beautiful, dangerous, terrible thing. We have seen that once, and now we see it for the second time." Namjoon does not react to his words, although it is clear Yoongi meant him - presumably because he spoke is the truth. "Jimin is- was Lust, and as such, he probably had the closest tie to feelings related to love than any other Sin. It was my mistake for believing he could differentiate between the need to subdue his raging needs, and true love." Something darts over his face that you presume to be sadness.
"So you never loved him?", you rasp. For some reason, you always thought Yoongi loved Jimin back, at least partially. The feeling in your chest is a mixture of disbelief, compassion for Jimin and relief, and you try your hardest to ignore the latter.

Yoongi's expression turns even sadder, but he keeps his composure. "It seems I have failed more than once in this regard", he mumbles to himself, but it's clear he doesn't mean it as an answer to your question.
"I loved Jimin. And I cared for him, in several ways, because I cared about whether he fell victim to his urges or not. And it worked. But apparently, it worked a little too well, and I realized only when it was too late."
Your glance must be so shocked that he quickly corrects himself. "I didn't realize just now, Y/N", he says sternly. "I just didn't think it would come this far. I've known of Jimin's feelings for some millennia, but I thought they would fade with time, as they normally do. I underestimated his dedication, apparently – and Lust's predisposition for these kinds of things."
"Predisposition", you scoff with a tinge of anger. You can see in Yoongi's face that he doesn't fully understand the reason for your frustration with his words, like a child that is yet unable to grasp the full extent of true love or utter grief. It once again reminds you that the six demons around you, including you, are not human, and the thought of losing your understanding for people in a few millennia just like they did sends a shiver down your spine.
"It's not his fault he loved you", you mumble, irritated. "Feelings happen." You raise your head and stare back at Pride who is looking at you shocked, almost fearfully. "You should know that better than anyone."

Yoongi stays quit, but you can feel the darkness in his eyes dissipate as his expression softens.
Daimon, yet again, interrupts the silence. His voice is quiet and he seems about to fall asleep.
"Anyway", he meows softly, eyes fluttering close as he rests his head on his front paws, "I will accompany Y/N on her visit to the Ayabbi."
"You?", Hoseok asks. It is a sincere question without any hint of mockery or sarcasm.
"None of you can go", the familiar retorts immediately. "Would you rather have her be alone?"

Awkward silence follows his words and he scoffs.
"I understand you are mad and frustrated", he then says. His voice is a bit warmer this time. The fact that he's spent millenia with the demons starts to shine through, like sun rays after a cold autumn rain, even though he claims he doesn't like them. "But all we can do now is protect Y/N as best as we can. And if the only way to do that is me accompanying her, I beg of you to swallow your dumb demonic pride and just do as I say this once. We don't stand a chance otherwise."
Again, nobody speaks up after he finishes. It's only after Daimon's breaths have already calmed down and he is fast asleep that the demons move.

"Fine", Yoongi says. His eyes rest on your figure and your glance crumbles under their intensity. You look away, and he quietly sighs.
"Don't leave right away", he continues over the creaking of his chair when he gets up. "Take your time. But when you do, be careful."
He leaves the room that immediately seems a bit colder without him. Hoseok sighs. Namjoon gets up and fills a glass of liquor.
"Yoongi is right, you know", he says. "You need to be careful. Daimon may be stronger than he looks, especially after he's rested a bit, but you're a demon who has never even tasted a soul. Physically, you might be on par with some of the Ayabbi, since you're young... But when it comes to abilities, you are painfully inferior."
"Can't you teach me more before I go?", you ask, voice trembling now that Yoongi is gone. You can't play brave anymore. "Anything."
Namjoon returns to his seat with the glass of whiskey in his hand, glance glued to your face. Then he sighs. It sounds heavy and defeated, and you finally realize even the demons are at a loss for what to do.

"Yoongi has barely introduced you to the basics of time and space", Jin takes over. His voice is quiet and rough, which is rare. "And nobody has a grasp on their abilities like him. Obviously, we could try..." His voice trails off and it sounds sincerely apologetic when he continues. "I'm just afraid we don't have the time, Y/N."

"It's a balancing act", Hoseok interjects and turns towards you. "We don't want to send you off immediately. But if we send you off too late, the Ayabbi will show up on our doorstep." His face darkens. "And at the current state we're in, it would be a massacre." The devil's lips lift into a sarcastic grin. "A fun massacre, but a massacre nonetheless."
"Stop it, you two", Namjoon snarls, turning the glass in his hands. "Jin may be right that we can't build your abilities quickly enough to be of any help if it got to a fight. However", he puts his head back and downs the whiskey in one swift gulp, "we can work on your fighting. We'll give you weapons. And we'll teach you everything we know about the Ayabbi." His eyes pierce through you, then through every single demon in the room.

"We're the Seven Sins. If that isn't enough to keep Y/N alive during her visit, I don't know what will. And while she's gone, we will figure something out in regards to our current weakness." 

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