Home II

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Seven glances burn in your back as you take the first steps towards where you know the castle must be. You don't turn around, and you ignore the uncomfortable silence weighing on you and the men behind you.
Heishe is the first to follow. He lets his glance wander over the six demons next to him, then he takes a step, in the middle of which he vanishes.
He pops up at your side, barely a few inches behind you. It's an unnecessary display of power, but you let him be because you can feel his anger and frustration crashing against the borders of his place in your mind, like stormy waves against a rocky cliff.
You can understand him. He's brought you and Daimon here, protected you and even fought for you, and yet he isn't listened to. The only thing the Sins show him is mistrust, and for a being so old and certainly proud, it must be difficult to bear.

You slow your step so that he can catch up, even though you're aware he intended to stay slightly behind you on purpose.
Relax, you say in your head, fully aware that the demons have started to follow you one after one as well. I will not let them chase you out.
And what if they insist?
, the dragon asks. He sounds gloomy, his voice reflects the dark expression on his face. No offense being meant, I cannot imagine you leaving them behind. His expression becomes even darker as his words fill your mind, and something is dancing in his golden eyes which have taken on a dirty tinge. You can't make out what it is, but it makes you shudder. You're not sure how Heishe would react if the Sins threatened to separate the two of you. But you're almost certain he wouldn't give up without a fight, and you are determined to prevent exactly that.
We will have to find a compromise, you reply after a short pause. The Ayabbi will come after us either way. And they're my friends. Please... give them some time. You throw him a glance, which he returns, and extend your hand. He hesitates shortly, then he puts his hand in yours and you squeeze it softly. Trust me. It will be alright.

It's the first time the dragon has shown you any sign of emotional turmoil, and you yourself aren't sure where your sudden confidence is coming from. You just know you feel responsible for both him and Daimon at this point, even though maybe it is supposed to be the other way around.
Something stirring in your arm makes you let go of Heishe's hand and you look down. Daimon doesn't return your gaze, even though his eyes are open. They are still fogged over with a dirty-white haze and your heart, as dead as it may be, sinks.
"Can you hear me?", you ask quietly and warmly. His ears twitch.
"Yes", he replies. His voice is hoarse and a bit quieter than usual, but he is speaking, and for the first time since you became a demon, you actually feel like you could burst into tears.
"Thank God", you choke out, which earns you a weird glance from Heishe and a silent laugh from behind, being masked behind a cough. After a second, you understand why – you're a demon. You have no business with God, and even though using his name doesn't make your tongue burn or your body explode as you'd expect it to happen to a demon, it also doesn't feel completely right when you think about it now.
Daimon quietly clears his throat, which rips you out of your thoughts. "How are you feeling?", you ask as you make your way across the desolate, dark stone of the cave. You can see the castle's silhouette appearing in the distance.

"I am in pain", Daimon answers, letting his head sink onto his paws and closing his eyes. again "And tired."
You run the palm of your other hand over his back very carefully. "Then sleep", you murmur. "Rest."
Daimon's only reply is a long sigh, then he is already back asleep. You look up and towards Heishe.
"He should be fine now", the dragon answers as if he knows exactly what's concerning you. "I can't speak for his eyesight... But he will live." His words flood your chest with relief.

"What happened to him?", Yoongi asks from behind. He sounds concerned, and you turn your head to now look at him over your shoulder.
"Thirak threw..." You stumble over your words and Heishe helps you out. "A Lumen Virtutis."
You nod. "Heishe shielded us, but... Daimon was too far away." The memory of the swirling, black-and-white ball of power racing towards you is still very much present in your mind, and it's not a pleasant one.
Jin sucks in a harsh breath and Namjoon's expression darkens. "A Lumen Virtutis", he repeats quietly. "I didn't think they'd go that far."
You let out a breath of relief. "Well, a lot happened", you say. You don't really feel like discussing it all out here, so until you push open the doors of the castle, you stay silent.

Seven Sins - Second Part | BTS x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now