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Yoongi's words make you feel fuzzy, but before you can reply anything equally cheesy, he perks up. His grip around you doesn't loosen as he turns around to the door, as if he heard or felt something you didn't, then he sighs and turns back to you.

"We should probably go back", he murmurs, peeling his fingers off your skin as if it hurts him to stop touching you. "The others are getting restless."
"How do you know?", you ask. When Yoongi sits up, you suddenly feel alone in your own body – a weird feeling that you've never experienced before, caused by the sudden loss of his skin against yours.
"I just know", Yoongi answers, seemingly absentminded as he picks up his torn pants from the ground. While you're still wondering whether he has returned to his former self and will distance himself from you, he grins and lifts the piece of clothing higher.
"You really wanted to get there, huh?", he teases, and his rough voice makes your insides tighten.
"Maybe", you give back quietly and scoot off the bed yourself, looking at the scattered clothes on the ground. "I don't think we can wear those anymore", you say, wrinkling your nose.
The demon nods in agreement. "Neither", he says and lifts his hand, ready to flick his fingers and replace them, but then he halts and shoots you a glance.
"You want to try it?"

"Me? Try what?", you ask, dragging your mind out of the pit full of dirty thoughts Yoongi just pushed it into. He shrugs. "Anything. Replace them, burn them, make them vanish, make something new... Whatever you feel ready for."
"I don't know whether I feel ready for anything", you complain under your breath, ignoring Yoongi's snicker, but you step forward and take the pants out of his hands.
You're both still fully naked, but for some reason, it doesn't bother you. Maybe it's your demonic character, or it's the fact that you don't worry about it anymore since you slept with Yoongi, you're not sure. But it is kind of freeing to stand there, naked, while Yoongi leans against the wall with his arms crossed and watches you intently. There's a glimmer in his eyes – one of pride, maybe, or of newly awakening desire. But he doesn't interrupt you.

You give your best to ignore the tingle on your skin that Yoongi's intense gaze causes and return your attention to his torn pants. You're not exactly sure how to go about this, so you just try to imagine the rip across the front of the pants merging together.
Nothing happens.
"More vividly", Yoongi comments quietly. "Try to imagine sewing it."
"Sewing it?"
"Sewing it", he confirms, pushes himself off the wall and slowly approaches you. When he's reached you, he positions himself behind you and looks down on the ripped cloth in your hand over your shoulder.
His scent and his aura engulf you and concentrating becomes even more difficult. Something pokes you in the back, sliding against your buttocks, and a shiver runs down your back when you realize what it is. Wetness builds between your folds and slowly drips down your inner sides.
"Concentrate", Yoongi hums, seemingly unfazed himself although the twitch of his cock proves otherwise. "Imagine an invisible thread doing the work for you."

As difficult it is to do, you return your attention to the pants and follow his advice. It takes a few minutes of silence, Yoongi's presence behind you growing increasingly distracting, but then a movement catches your eye.
Under your stare, the rip in the pants very, very slowly starts to zip up as you imagine an invisible thread and needle sewing it close. It takes all of your concentration to keep it going, even more so because you don't fully understand how you're even doing this.
After the last threads of the pants have intertwined and the rip is fully closed, you exhale deeply and turn around to Yoongi. He smiles at you. "Well done", he says, voice rasping over your skin.
"How?", you ask while you lift the now repaired pants a little higher. He chuckles. "Manipulation, Y/N", he says. "I told you, a demon's understanding of this world is much deeper than any human could ever understand. And it's not learned. It's instinctual." He takes the cloth out of your hand and inspects it. "By imagining it vividly enough, you forced the matter in your hand to follow your order. Manipulation of space, time and matter are the three simplest skills every demon has and should learn."
His eyes gleam as he looks up again. "I'll wear this."

"Like this?", you ask, glance flickering towards his crotch where his length is still standing proud. He hums.
"You don't want me to?"
His eyes are fiery again, but you return his gaze with just as much intensity.

Yoongi tosses his pants onto the bed, and with two fast steps, he's right in front of you. His arm slings around your waist as he lifts you high. Another step at demon speed and he bangs you against the wall behind you, making you gasp. The tip of his cock grazes your entrance, sending a sweet rush into your lower abdomen.
"Cocky, aren't we", he murmurs as he stares up at you. His expression is filled with more than just love and lust – it's adoration, worship even.
You grab his face and pull him close, and as his lips meet yours, his cock slides into you. You moan into his mouth as he starts pumping into you at just the right pace, then you slide your hands into the back of his head and fist his soft hair.
Giving in to one of your demonic urges, you pull his head back sharply, making him hiss. His movements don't stop, though, as you lean forward and kiss his neck, then softly bite it, admiring its gentle curve, the muscles and tendons straining against his perfectly white skin and the slight mark your teeth left on it.
Yoongi shudders and his grip on you tightens.
With a rush of confidence, you pepper a trail of kisses up his neck, then nibble on his sharp jawline before you return to the soft skin below. While you continue to kiss and gently bite him, his movements quicken.
"Crap", he groans, tilts his head back forward and stares at you. As your insides tighten around him and a sweet tingle starts creeping up in your lower abdomen, he pushes you against the wall tighter and kisses you once more – sloppily and wild this time.
"Cumming", you whine as his hips stutter, throwing your head back while his forehead sinks against your collarbone. He moans, circling his hips a few times more while you both come down from your high, then he kisses your skin.
"You're just too tempting", he rasps, another kiss following as he pulls himself out of you.
You can't help a delighted giggle as his grip around your waist loosens and he gently lowers you to the ground, as if he's afraid you'll break on impact.
"Thank you", you whisper before you peck his lips and he smiles.
"Anytime, princess. Now... shower?"

The both of you enter Yoongi's large, quite modern shower at the same time. He washes your hair and back, and you catch yourself not wanting to leave his room. You want to stay holed up here with him, talk, laugh and have sex.
But you know it's impossible, and as Yoongi confides in you, even he can't uphold this strong a barrier for eternity. So after you're both clean and Yoongi has replaced the clothes – apart from his pants – with a snip of his fingers, you decide it's time to return to reality.
Before you open the door, you shoot Yoongi a questioning glance. He nods reassuringly, his hand resting in your back, and places a soft, prolonged kiss against your temple.
"It'll be okay", he says quietly.
You open the door.

You expected to be greeted by loud voices, nervous questions from Daimon and Heishe maybe, but to your surprise, you are met with absolute silence. Even your head is quiet, although you can feel Heishe's and Daimon's presences slowly returning to their places in your mind after being blocked out by Yoongi's barrier. Nevertheless, they're quiet and seem far away.
Yoongi follows you downstairs. The door to the living room is closed, and when you open it, the room is empty.
With a frown, you turn around to Yoongi.

Y/N, a voice suddenly echoes through your mind. It surprises you and you let out a quiet gasp.
Daimon, you reply, relief flooding your chest at the sound of the cat familiar's voice. Are you okay? Where are you?
We're in the big library
, Daimon answers. He doesn't sound mad or disappointed, maybe just a little tired. Everyone's here.
, you say before you twirl around to Yoongi. "They're in the library."
He watches you in amusement. "I know", he finally admits, a grin forming on his face. "You were just so cutely flustered."
"Asshole", you murmur, but his expression makes your heart bloom, so you decide to let it slide. "Go on, lead the way."

Yoongi hums in agreement before he turns left, leading you towards an ornate stone arch you haven't noticed before. It marks a dark tunnel under the stairs, leading deeper into the castle. It opens into a hall slightly larger than the entrance area – it is perfectly square and probably 10 meters high. The walls are lifted by old stone pillars, and from the top, gargoyles and similar figurines look down on whoever crosses the room.
While you still admire the intricately ornated stone walls, Yoongi turns left again, stopping in front of an almost black, old wooden gate. It's not quite as massive as the entrance gates, but it is still impressively high.
He shoots you a glance, as if to ask if you're ready, and you nod.
A smile flickers across his face, and then he lifts his hands and pushes the gate open carefully. 

Seven Sins - Second Part | BTS x ReaderΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα