Fullfilment II

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The air crackles. It's the first thing you hear and feel when you turn around, like an electric buzz that makes the entire room vibrate, causing an uncomfortable prickling on your skin. It's so dark that it takes a second for your eyes to readjust, and only then do you fully grow aware of them.

Six tall, shadowy figures, barely distinguishable from the dark, are filling the room with their disgusting, suffocating presence and aura. It sloshes around their feet, seeps into the farthest corners of the room and coats the bottom ends of the ornate wood columns and bookshelves in a sticky, thick black. They're tall, the smallest towering at two meters the least, and their shapes are definitely non-human. Their sight is so unsettling you now can't help but take a step back, clutching the soul in your hands, staring at them in horror. It's the first time since your turning that you've felt any real fear at all, and now it's grabbed you with a relentless, all-consuming intensity that would have made any human go mad instantly.

As if they're only now growing aware of you, the figures slowly turn one after another as their six pairs of fiery red eyes find you, staring you down. The orb in your hands shrinks under their gazes, as if even in death, it is scared of them, and you can well understand. The demons' forms and faces – the latter of which only appear in the wafting black they are made of when you concentrate on it – are absolutely terrifying.

Taehyung has turned into a tall, broad figure with small, faceless head. His arms and legs are extremely long and thin, and slim, sharp-nailed hands are hanging below his knees, making his overall form resemble an ape of some sort.

Namjoon is a hunk – three meters at least, with broad shoulders and thick, muscular arms ending in huge hands. His legs look more like they belong to an animal, and his fingers are now curved, long claws; their tips fine and sharp. His face reminds you of a protective mask, with sharp, metallic edges, red eyes glowing in between, and his whole body is a mixture of the wavering shadows and huge protective scales covering the most vulnerable areas.

Hoseok is the smallest, but still around two meters high if you had to guess. His form is thin and relatively normal, apart from his face – next to his burning red eyes, it just consists of a huge, round, gaping black hole representing his mouth, littered with sharp, black teeth that seem more like glass shards than an actual body part. A dark liquid is seeping from the hole, dripping down his chest and onto the floor.

Next to him stands Jungkook, a black so dark it makes even the others pale in comparison. His figure is the least 'finished' of them all, as if it's still in development, his only prominent features being his glowing red eyes and a wide mouth pulled into a bizarre, terrifying grin, displaying his pointy teeth.

To your surprise, Jin isn't the tallest of them all, despite being the oldest. His form is the most precise, but he still doesn't resemble himself – he is cadaverous and hunched over like an old man, his bones poking out of his thin, paper-like black skin that's ripped in some places, revealing an empty body cavity, his face so gaunt his red eyes have sunken far into his skull. The last is Yoongi, who is still standing right next to you. Looking at him is difficult – unlike the others, he doesn't seem to have any clear-cut shape. Instead, his body seems to purely consist out of shadows; a mass of whirling, black smoke in a form that remotely resembles a man. It constantly flickers and changes form, shadows separating from it and reattaching somewhere else, making his silhouette so blurred your eyes hurt looking at him.

You can't help but take a quiet breath. These are the Sins, you realize, in their truest form, unleashed by the powers the souls granted them once again. After overcoming the initial horror, they're breathtaking, but the longer they stare at you in silence, the more you wonder if they actually are somewhere in there - there's no spark of recognition in their pupilless eyes, no hint that they know who you are. You start asking yourself if they control themselves at all in these forms.

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