A Single Step

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To your question, the demon and familiar nod in unison. You turn around to the group of demons for one last time.
"Goodbye, guys", you say past the lump in your throat that's still growing. You wish you could cry right now. Were you still a human, the tears would've been running down your cheeks since the hug with Jungkook, but your eyes stay frustratingly dry.
"Take care, too, okay?"

The men, thousands of years old yet seemingly teenagers, nod. "Good travel", Namjoon says, crossing his arms again. Jin nods.
"Stay safe, Y/N."
You force yourself to turn away and walk out the huge door without taking another glance back. Daimon follows swiftly, then Yoongi. The last thing you hear of the place you've been living in for the past weeks is the deep rumble of the gates closing behind you.

The walk to the cave entrance is short and quiet. Differently from what you expected, Yoongi doesn't walk there. Merely a minute after you've left the castle, he zooms past you in superhuman speed. You exchange a glance with Daimon and after he gives you a reassuring smile, you follow the older demon. To your surprise, the familiar keeps up with you easily, always staying a cat's length away from your heels.
You only stop when you can see the dark, gaping hole of the staircase towards the surface. Daimon slows behind you as you approach Yoongi, who is standing next to the hole in the stone. He stiffly turns around when he grows aware of you.

"I guess this is it", you smile as you take your last few steps, then you're standing in front of him. He looks down on you quietly, and it takes a moment until he replies.
"It would seem so."
His voice is rough, even scratchier than Namjoon's. You're sure he's trying to hide the pain, but it's all too evident in his eyes.
When did he grow to like me so much?, you ask yourself as you watch him. Under your intense glance, he turns away and looks up the stairway.
"You should go", he then says when you're not moving. "It's almost morning."

The words rip you out of your haze for the third time today. "Probably", you say, followed by: "But I don't want to."
You didn't intend to let these words slip. They didn't even form in your head before, actually, you didn't have that thought a single time today.
You can feel your face scrunch up like it would before crying, though without the familiar burning in your eyes. Daimon takes a shuffling step closer.

Yoongi's face softens immediately. "Don't worry, princess", he mumbles. It feels like the first time in forever that he's used this nickname – even though it isn't, he's used it once or twice when you were still human – and you suck in a harsh breath.
Your lungs inflate and deflate, but the feeling of satisfaction never happens.
"You'll be fine", he says, taking a step closer and placing his hands on your shoulders. He gives them a gentle, reassuring squeeze. "You know almost everything there is to know. You're as prepared as can be."

'I'm alone', you almost want to say before realizing that it's not true. At Yoongi's touch, Daimon's aura intensified behind you. His presence is all too tangible in your back without you even looking. There is no doubt that he is more than prepared for this journey.
Another soft squeeze of Yoongi's hands and your attention returns to him. His brows are furrowed, he seems worried. "Are you alright?"
You nod and his lips twitch into a smile, but he doesn't say anything. Instead, he lifts his hands of your shoulders. The sudden absence of his touch almost makes you shudder.

His fingers rub over your cheek. It comes as a surprise, somewhat. Even more surprising is his pensive expression as he looks at you.
"Return to me", he finally whispers. It's the sign of emotion you've been waiting for subconsciously.
Unable to say anything, you nod into his palm. His fingers slide past your cheekbones and into your hair, and before you can stop him or yourself, he places his hand on the back of your head, pulls you in and kisses you.

This kiss is different from the one in the living room. You have never actively seen the demons as men, but with the way Yoongi is kissing you now, you realize he's far more experienced than you anticipated.
Naturally, the intensity of his kiss doesn't compare to what Jimin did to you on the dinner table when you were still human and he was raging with hunger. That was Lust's doing. Yet your knees give out under you as Yoongi's tongue slides into your mouth.
Before you can fall and without breaking the kiss, Yoongi's arm slings around your waist and keeps you on your feet. You have just gotten used to the acuity of your senses – being stripped of them by something as simple as a kiss is interesting, if not unsettling.

You don't know for how long Yoongi has been kissing you at this point. Your head is spinning and it feels as if you've become deaf and blind to the world surrounding you. Whenever Yoongi's lips move against yours once more or he does that incredible thing with his tongue, you can feel your insides throb and your legs grow even weaker.

That is until someone next to you clears their throat, loud and clearly. Your brain being fuzz, you only manage to glance to the side without even ending the kiss while Yoongi pays the sound no mind.
Daimon's cold, silvery eyes stare right back into yours. His glance is so icy it immediately cools you off – so much so that you stem your hands against Yoongi's chest and push him back just enough to break the kiss. The familiar has crossed his arms in front of his muscular chest and is practically oozing the desire to kill the demon on the spot.

When Yoongi finally looks at him, his arm still slung around your waist, his glance is just as murderous and the tiniest growl escapes his throat.
"If you weren't her companion, I'd rip you to shreds right here", he quietly utters while you free yourself of his grip and smooth your clothes out, trying desperately to regain a clear mind.
Daimon returns Yoongi's glance unfazed, his voice is about as pleasant as splintering glass. "You're not the only one. Next time."

You can practically hear the rage boil in the demon's chest. Before he can jump Daimon, and not in the good way, you turn his face towards you with two fingers. His expression immediately changes as soon as he faces you. It's somewhere between arousal and tenderness and you almost regret doing this right before you leave.
"I'll be back", you whisper against his lips before you give him one last kiss.
He hums throatily. "I would hope so."

Given Daimon's looming presence behind you, you decide it's better to make the goodbye quick now. After another hug, Yoongi finally lets you go. Daimon is right behind you as you approach the stairs; it seems almost as if he can't wait to get out of the cave and away from Yoongi.
"Safe travels! Be careful", the demon calls after you. His voice travels up the staircase in front of you as you take a deep breath and set your foot on the first step.

Seven Sins - Second Part | BTS x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon