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Yoongi's gaze is too intense to pull away from. His words and the meaning behind them are weighing heavy on your shoulders as he stares at you, as if trying to convince you that it would be okay even if you crushed the small, glimmering gem in his chest with one squeeze of your fist.
Would he be okay with that?
You're frozen with fear, if that's what you can call it as a demon. The better word would be 'doubt' – doubt if you can be as careful as Yoongi expects you to, if the crystal will actually stay intact within your grip, and whether the man in front of you will survive whatever you are about to do to him.
And, even more frightening, whether he cares. Is Yoongi so infatuated with you that he'd give you his life without even batting an eye?

Yoongi's expression softens a little, as if he's aware of the confusion within you. Quietly, he reaches for your right hand; you can hear the soft rustle as his weight shifts on the bedsheets.
The demon intertwines his fingers with your cramped up ones and looks at you from beneath his ruffled hair, so dark it almost seems blue, a stark contrast against his pale skin.
"Trust me", he says lowly, and you're wondering why in the world you're supposed to trust him, in a situation in which you could kill him at worst without him being able to do anything against it.
Yoongi lifts your hand higher, pulling it toward himself until your fingertips hover in front of the translucent window in the middle of his chest.
"Touch me", he repeats and lets go. He seems as if he's bracing himself, straightening his spine and placing his hands on his thighs as he looks at you expectantly.

For a few seconds, you return his unwavering gaze, then you lower your eyes and look at his chest instead. The sight of the ever so slightly moving crystal makes you even more nervous and you hesitate for another split second, but then you force yourself to slowly push your hand through Yoongi's invisible skin.
Reaching into his chest in and of itself doesn't seem to hurt him, if anything, he is watching with fascination. Before your fingertips reach the gem dangling from an invisible string, you look up once more, checking with Yoongi if he's truly okay with this for two reasons: firstly, you don't want to hurt him.
Secondly, you don't want to risk triggering his demonic instincts and being flung through the wall or ripped apart. You're sure Yoongi could do both if he wanted to. Someone who killed the head of the Ayabbi is capable of much more than what he's shown you.

Yoongi gives you a slight, seemingly relaxed nod.

You take a deep breath and continue. Very, very carefully, you touch the crystal with the tip of your fingers, barely caressing its smooth, cool surface.
Yoongi gasps, sucking in a sharp breath right after, but when you jerk your head upwards to check on him, he shakes his.
"Continue", he says roughly, though it doesn't sound as if he's as sure about this as he was before. His hands have balled into fists on his thighs, so tightly that the skin over his knuckles turns even whiter than before. The sight makes your stomach coil with worry, but you know he's right – there's no knowing when a chance like this will come up again, and if there will be war with the Ayabbi, it would be best if you had grasped the concept of your powers at least a little bit.

Therefore, after calming your hand once more, you proceed to gently rub your fingertips over the crystal's side, caressing the slightly elevated ridge between two of its facets. At your touch, it moves slightly and you watch with fascination as a warm, golden glow breaks from its middle, separated into several tiny rays by its facetted surface.
The fascination only lasts a second, though, because with your fingertips against the core, Yoongi is now violently trembling and heavily breathing, his fists so tight that it seems like the skin is going to rip. You pull your hand back as fast as you can and Yoongi relaxes a bit, but his eyes are widened with shock and something resembling fear.
"Are you okay?!", you ask, terrified as you put your hand over his, trying to get him out of the daze he is apparently in. "Can you hear me?"

For a while, he doesn't react, but then he nods, swallowing dryly as he calms down a bit. His chest is still translucent, as if to tell you that you have begun something you yet have to finish, but you're way too worried to care about that now.
"Does it hurt?", you ask, leaning forward to look into Yoongi's eyes. He's still slowly calming down, but the shivers running through his body haven't stopped and his chest is still heaving with quick, sharp breaths.
"Yes", he says. "No. I don't know."
"What happened?", you ask a bit softer.

Again, it takes a while until he replies, as if he has to compose himself first – or rather process what happened.
"Not much, really", he finally says. His hands finds its way to his chest to rub over it. "But that definitely wasn't... comfortable." He blinks up at you, a spark of his usual self reappearing in his eyes. "I can definitely understand why Vazgan didn't particularly like this sensation."
With relief, you sink back onto the bed and exhale deeply. "Thank... Lucifer", you say. "I thought you might die."
The demon's features soften. "I don't die that easily. But that is one strong weapon you have there." His expression darkens, becomes more serious. "I don't want to scare you, but you need to be very careful with this. I assume you only grazed the, and yet it felt like my whole being was being laid out in the palm of your hand, ready to be crushed. It didn't hurt all that much, it just stung, but the feeling was so... overarching that..." He seems to slightly shudder at the memory, and you wonder when you've ever seen Yoongi lost for words. 
"I cannot fathom what would happen if you were to apply more force to the stone or crush it, even."

The red in his eyes has vanished, replaced by a deep, inscrutable black.
"Are you mad at me?", you ask quietly.
Yoongi's glance focuses on you in a split second. He reaches out for you and before you can process what's happening, he's dropped onto the mattress and pulled you with him, your upper body resting on his.
While you stare at him surprised, his lips curl into a soft smile while he sweeps a few stray hairs out of your forehead and tucks them behind your ear.
"I'm not mad", he then says. "I asked you to do it after all. I'm just worried."
"About me?"
Yoongi laughs, a low vibration transferred to your body from his chest, and you can't help but smile at the sound.
"That too", he answers when he's stopped laughing, fingertips caressing the lines and curves of your face. "Other things, too. About our future. The others. Your power." He frowns. "I didn't expect it to be so intense. We must figure out a way to control it, quickly. You must."
His caresses continue as he pauses.
"I don't like the burden that it will inevitably place on you", he then admits quietly. "Given, all of us had to go through this... But you're still different from us. Young. Frail. With the rest of a heart that was much softer and warmer than ours ever were."

His words cause both a smile and a lump in your throat. "Do you think we'll win?", you finally ask a question that's been on your mind for a while – before, well, Yoongi wiped it clean with the movement of his hips.
"The war?" The demon hums, looking up to the ceiling while his fingers catch a strand of your hair and play with it.
"I don't know. It depends. But you know what I know?" His glance returns to you and his hand slides into your neck to inch you closer. He stares deep into your eyes, then brings his lips to yours, whispering three simple sentences before he kisses you deep and slow.

"I know you can do this. And we'll be there for you and fulfill your every wish. Every last one of us." 

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