𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈: Chapter 2

Start from the beginning

I knelt to the ground before him and quickly examined his injury. I lifted the side of his black shirt that he's holding onto, with my shaking hands and my mouth gaped open. He had a stab wound.

I grabbed his other hand and placed it to the hand that was already holding onto this wound and pressed it firmly with him to try to stop the bleeding. He was in sheer pain, but I tried to remain calm as much as possible.

I continued to pressed my hands on his wound for a long while, feeling a drop of sweat dripping down my face. "Continue to press on it. I'll be right back to get my medical equipments."

I ran towards my room with rush of adrenaline. Lucky for him, I was a nursing student and I carry some medical equipments at home.

I ran back towards him and started to treat his stab wound. I made sure to follow the process of what I've learned so far in school when facing these types of critical situations.

"I need to stitch your wound up myself since you're too stubborn to go to the hospital," I scolded him, forgetting the fact that he was a stranger to me. "It should be done by a doctor, but this is an emergency situation, so I have to do it."

His face grimaced but kept his eyes were closed as he nodded his head to let me know that he was allowing me to do it. Once I started stitching his wound, he immediately groaned in pain. I was feeling so bad hearing him in agony. But I had to make sure the bleeding had to be stopped as soon as possible, before he suffers major blood loss and risking himself of an infection.

Once I finished, his anguish slowly calmed. "I had managed to stop the bleeding and closed it, but you still have to make sure to go to the hospital to check for possible internal bleeding." But he doesn't seem to pay any attention to what I was saying.

I had gotten wet towels to clean the blood around his wound. Then used the other one to clean the blood on his face. As I brushed the wet towel over his face, I started to finally see a glimpse of his face. He had the most perfect face structure. My eyes gleamed at the sight of his handsome face. There was no doubt how visually appealing he was.

I didn't realize I got lost in admiring his visuals, my eyes accidentally get caught in his charming dark brown eyes

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I didn't realize I got lost in admiring his visuals, my eyes accidentally get caught in his charming dark brown eyes. Our eyes locked and I felt drown in them. There's something so magnetic about his eyes. They were so enticing yet dark.

They say the eyes are the window to the soul, and indeed I could tell that this man's eyes carried weight of pain and losses.

"Uh..I—" I quickly looked away, feeling my cheeks blazing with heat. But he grabbed my wrist that was cleaning his face.

"I shouldn't be here," he said gravelly. "I gotta go."

"Sir...I highly recommend you to go to the hospital." But he didn't seem to care to what I was saying, as he shut his eyes and exhales deep.

Nursing student or not I was still persistent, ensuring he got the proper help that he needed. "If you want you can stay here on the couch to rest up for the night."

I don't even know why I offered a stranger to stay at my home. For some reason I trusted him. But I also didn't want him going off somewhere with the condition he was in. He would have risked further damaged to his wound.

"You're in no condition to go anywhere at this moment, sir," I said timidly. "I really suggest you stay here. I'm actually a nursing student. I would be able to take care of you for the time being, so you should rest here for now. I really don't want you risking yourself getting hurt even more."

He finally opened his eyes and for a few moments he was examining my face. He then shifted his intense gaze from my face to my feet then back up to my eyes. Then he adjusted his sitting as he sat back. His gaze never left me. He was looking at me deeply, as if the answers to a big test was written on my face. I felt so hypnotized from his intimidating eyes, until I finally looked away.

I nervously took a quick peeked at him again and a sexy grin appeared on his face, making me even more nervous that I already was.

I was about to speak but was interrupted by a buzzing sound. It was his phone. He reached into his pocket and his expression instantly changed once he glance at the screen. Everything about him became cold and rigid, suddenly making me become frightened of him.

But he quickly got up, as he held onto to the spot of his now stitched up stab wound. I wanted to stop him, but he was hurriedly walking towards the front door.

"Sir—" But I was too late as the door slammed shut behind him.

I didn't even get to know his name that night. But if I knew what I know now, I think I was better off not knowing his  name.

I would have save myself from countless events of misery.


Author's Note:
Some of y'all might get annoyed of y/n's personality but I promise you there's a character development😭.

But honestly this is why I'm adding her life story from the beginning, to help readers understand why she acts and thinks that way. You have to keep in mind that she's not from Seoul. She's not a city girl but someone who resides in the country-side so her mind-set will be different from those living in the city.

𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬: The TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now