As soon as Shoto was gone, Shion got up from her bed......and stared at her self in the mirrow......only see, that it wasn't her in the was the person she wished never came into her life.....

it was the person she wished never came into her life

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Shion then sighed as she touched the the reflection mimicked her movements........

Shion:"..............................I really............I really hate you........." then all the sudden the reflection of Y/n grabbed Shion and lifted her up.

Y/n's Illusion:" I you know something?............Izuku will me........while I'm loved and remembered by are already forgotten by everyone....your family and friends loves me....The entire World loves me...while you......are nothing more than forgotten garbage......destinate to rot this'll be no're a dissapointment.......a failed experiment of your father........a useless incompetent little whining brat....your family don't care about you...Shoto doesn't even care about......Izumi doesn't even care about you.......Katsuki doesn't even deemed you worthy of power......and Izuku.......he hates're the worst thing that has ever happened to hypocrite........always staying in a group.....and now that you're group abandoned you.......what do you have left? have have power over nothing.........Useless child.......Go die in a hole...."

Y/n's illusion then dropped Shion, who then clencth her fists as she glared at the illusion, that was all in her head.

Shion:"...............Grrrr........Grrrr......I HATE YOU!!!!" she then grab her pillow and trew it at the mirrow...she then kicking the wall of her room......and punching it.....with all the anger...and hatred she had inside......






Shoto was now walking in the he thought about his sister....and the situation she's into.....until he heard the sounds of screaming ......which caught his he started making his way he saw a lot of people running away from something......Shoto then started running throught the crowd......

Shoto then notice that what was causing all of this mess.....were a bunch of Villains that were causing all of this.......Shoto then raised his hands and created an iceberg.........freezing each of them......however it seemed that it wasn't enough......

???:"You little shrimp.....did you really think that just a bunch of ice, would've done anything me?!?" the Villain then manage to break free easily from it.

???:"We've spent the whole season studying this area patrol patterns.....a whole month of work in the middle of holiday season!!! ALL FOR THIS DAY!!!! THE MOMENT WITH LOTS OF PEOPLE AND NO HEROES!! THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE NOW!!!"

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