Part 2, Chapter 91- Freddie's POV

Start from the beginning

My groom's party is a mess. My father, his twin brother. My cousin and his lover who just so happens to be my best friend, and my sister's boyfriend who also happens to be one of my best friends.

What could go wrong?"

"Have you figured out your vows?" Dad asks as we drive out of Diagon Alley and out into Muggle London.

"Uh... no? I know what I want to say but I don't know how to say it."

Uncle Fred shakes his head in the passenger seat, "Emmie and I sat down for twelve hours together to figure out what we wanted to say. Then I took an extra eight hours the next day. Bring tissues boys, it's going to be a wild one."

"Violet's vows were 'ditto' and I swear on my life it has become my new favourite word," Dad says.

Uncle Fred laughs, "I would have paid real money to see Mum's face when she pulled that."

"Yeah, if I was to say 'ditto' for my vows Evie really would run off with James," I say.

"I –" Theseus looks around the car like he just remembered that he's sitting with his girlfriend's older brother who likes to get in fights, and her father who taught the older brother how to fight.

"Go on," I say, "We aren't going to bite."

"Yeah, we know exactly what you've been getting up to with Cassie," Louis says, "This is a safe space."

"Almost safe space," Dad says, "Watch yourself, young man."

Theseus looks at his hands when he speaks. I've found that without Cassiopeia around he's either very shy, or very hostile. Today he's shy.

"When I first told Cassiopeia I love her, I told her that it's always been her. Since we were kids. Then when I gave her the promise ring I said that I wanted something permanent. Something better than a promise we made to each other in the men's loo."

"What were you two doing in the men's loo?" Dad asks, his eyes squinted as he looks at Theseus through the rearview mirror.

"I – uhm someone sprayed us with paint and I was making sure that she was alright..." Theseus says quietly.

I clap him on the shoulder, "That whole, 'it's always been you' thing is pretty good. Maybe I should get you to write my vows for me."

"I can write your vows too you know," Amar says before clearing his throat, "I met you after break up with the literal worst girl in the entire world. I mean she wouldn't even let me smoke a fag, let alone spend time with my friends. One look at you and I knew; I would never snog my cousin's girlfriend if I was dating you."

Louis screams with laughter and Uncle Fred and Dad try their hardest not to join in.

"You're uninvited," I grumble.

"You could try," Louis says, "But he's my plus one,"

"Awh you're too kind," Amar says. I can hear them kiss behind me.

"Do you know what colour Evie wants you wearing?" Uncle Fred says as we all pile out of the van and head towards the suit shop that we just saw.

I shake my head, "Uh, as long as its not white? I think?"

Uncle Fred nods, "Emmie said that I have to be in a black suit, so I found a suit that has some black on it."

"That's not going to end well for you," Louis says, "Auntie Em is terrifying."

Uncle Fred laughs as we walk into the shop together, "Nah, Emmie's the sweetest girl alive. She acts all tough and scary but I know that she's going to laugh and call me an idiot with a twinkle in her eye when she sees me on our wedding day."

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