Too many questions ❓

Comenzar desde el principio

Guang Ya - Are you searching for someone?

Ting Hao - No.

Qu Xiang Nan - Come sit here.

Then Ting Hao sat on the sofa.

Ting Hao - I am really sorry uncle. I didn't wanted to disturb you.

Qu Xiang Nan - It's okay.

Then Qu Xiang Nan coughed. 

Ting Hao - Are you okay? It seems like you're not well.

Qu Xiang Nan - No, I am okay.

Guang Ya - What okay, Pa? He is not at all okay, Senior Ting Hao. He is having fever for many days. And he didn't even call me neither Baicao. If I do not come, then his condition would get worse.

Qu Xiang Nan - It's nothing like that. It was just a mild fever.

Guang Ya - Stop lying, or else I'll tell him everything.

Qu Xiang Ya - Okay. I won't lie.

Guang Ya - Okay. You both stay here and talk, I'll be right back.

Then Guang Ya went inside the kitchen. Ting Hao's eyes were all the time searching Baicao. And Qu Xiang Nan noticed it.

Qu Xiang Nan - What are you searching for?

Ting Hao - Actually, I am searching for the washroom.

Qu Xiang Nan - It's inside that room.

Ting Hao - Okay. Thank you.

Then Ting Hao went inside the washroom.

Ting Hao(in his mind) - What should I do? I guess Baicao is not here. I think I should not tell them about it. After all, uncle's health is not good. If Baicao is not here then where is she?

Then Ting Hao came out of the washroom.

Qu Xiang Nan - Come, Ting Hao eat something. 

Ting Hao - Yeah sure.

Then Ting Hao started eating.

Ting Hao - Wow! It's really amazing. Who made these dumplings? Did you make it, Guang Ya?

Qu Xiang Nan - No, she didn't make these dumplings.

Guang Ya - Yeah. It's Baicao's special. She makes nice dumplings.

Ting Hao(in his mind) - I didn't knew that she is so talented.

Qu Xiang Nan - What are you thinking?

Ting Hao - Actually I was thinking that Baicao is really talented.

Qu Xiang Nan - Yeah she is.

Ting Hao - Why aren't you both eating?

Qu Xiang Nan - You eat. We'll eat later.

Ting Hao - I know there are no more dumplings inside. If you have a doubt then ask Guang Ya.

Then Qu Xiang Nan turned his face towards Guang Ya. And she nodded at Qu Xiang Nan.

Qu Xiang Nan - How do you know?

Ting Hao - Because I know Baicao very well.

Qu Xiang Nan - What do you mean?

Ting Hao - I mean, Baicao is a selfless person. She gives everything to everyone, without even thinking about herself.

Qu Xiang Nan - I still didn't understand anything.

Ting Hao - Uncle, if Baicao is like this that means you are like this too. After all, you are her father. Like father, like daughter. I think I should leave now. See you both really soon.

Then Ting Hao was about to go but Qu Xiang Nan stopped him.

Qu Xiang Nan - Ting Hao, stop.

Then Ting Hao turned back.

Ting Hao - Yes uncle.

Qu Xiang Nan - You didn't tell us why you came here.

Ting Hao(in his mind) - What should I tell him? I can't tell him the actual reason.

At the hospital -

The operation was over the nurses were bringing Xiao Ying out of the OT. And then suddenly the doctor came out. He was really tensed, so Yi Feng decided to go to him.

Yi Feng - What happened doctor? Why are you looking so tensed? The operation was successful, right?

Doctor - Yeah. The operation was successful.

Yi Feng - Then why are you tensed?

Doctor - Nothing serious. We just have to do some tests and scans of her.

Yi Feng - Okay. Is everything okay, doctor?

Doctor - Hmm. Don't worry, Young Man. Go take good care of her.

Yi Feng - Thank you.

Doctor - You're most welcome.

Then the doctor went from there, but Yi Feng was still standing there and was thinking.

Yi Feng - Why was the doctor tensed? If Xiao Ying is okay then why was he tensed? Why, why, why?


𝓦𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓵𝔀𝓲𝓷𝓭 𝓖𝓲𝓻𝓵Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora