Part 2, Chapter 83- Cassiopeia's POV

Start from the beginning

"Not here," I whisper. I look both ways before practically dragging my boyfriend down the corridor and out of the dungeons. There's a secret passage behind a huge painting of a lavender field in the main corridor and that's exactly where I'm headed. Not that I care if Theseus cries or shows emotion in public, but I know that he does.

I look both ways, making sure that there is not any faculty or any other students around before I pry the painting off the wall and slip into the tunnel behind it.

I turn to Theseus and nod, "Okay," I whisper.

As soon as that simple word leaves my mouth tears fall down his eyes and violent sobs rack his entire body. He leans his back against the cold cobblestone wall behind him and clutches his chest, staring up at the ceiling.

"I –" he tries to speak but he chokes on his own words, "I ca – an't feel li -ike this any mo-ore," He manages to get out, "Ma-ake it sto-op." Theseus gasps for breath and presses his hand at the base of his neck.

I step forward so our bodies are pressed together in this small space and put both my hands on his face, "Look at me," I whisper. It takes a moment but Theseus brings his attention down from the ceiling and looks directly into my eyes, "Breathe."

"I – I ca-an't," He says between short, shallow breaths.

"Theseus. Take a breath. Do it with me ready?" I take a deep breath in and hold it in my lungs. Theseus does the same thing, "Good, and breathe out."

Theseus releases his breath in a shaky, broken way, tears still streaming down his cheeks, making my hands wet. We breathe like that for a while. I hold his face in place so he can't look away from me till he's properly calmed down.

"How did you know about this place?" Theseus whispers after he's calmed down again. He wipes remaining tears off of his face with his cheek.

"Ophelia may have the map but I know all the secrets just as well as she does," I explain, "It's a good place for a panic attack."

Theseus laughs, his voice is still thick with tears, "Yeah it's pretty great.... I dunno why I reacted like that."

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want αγάπη μου, (Translation- my love). My Greek has been getting better over the past few months. I've been finding it easier to replace words or phrases in an English sentence with Greek ones. But I seriously doubt that I'm ready to have a whole conversation in Greek.

"Something about her eagerness," Theseus continues, "I get wanting to learn where your friends grew up... she just continued to say that we should go. She doesn't see what I do when I think of living in Greece."

I nod but I don't say anything. I don't think it's my place.

"μια μέρα θα ήθελα να σε πάω εκεί. Τότε θα είχα μια ευτυχισμένη μνήμη που να σχετίζεται με το μέρος. But I don't think I could take everyone. It would be overwhelming," (Translation- One day I would like to take you there. Then I would have a happy memory associated with the place).

I don't fully understand what he just said but I manage to work out the main message, "Thank you for trusting me," I say to him.

He half-smiles, "Why wouldn't I trust you?"

It's been a few days since Theseus' little break. And honestly, I sort of feel like I'm due for one. I've always been good at studying and getting good grades. I'm tied for top student in all my classes with either Theseus, Ophelia, or Ash so I really haven't got much to worry about. But the idea that in less than a month and a half really at this point, I'm going to be expected to get an actual job and move out of my parents flat and... dunno grow up?

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