Part 2, Chapter 80- Ophelia's POV

Start from the beginning

"Bye Larkie," I say with a wink. Unlike Larke, Ash doesn't get all weird when I flirt with other people or make jokes about flirting with other people. Flirting is like second nature to me, just like Chandler. But the difference is my partner understands that and knows I mean no harm.

"What is up her arse?" Chandler asks the group once Larke is out of the library, "I can't even make a joke now?"

"Well depending on whether or not she's into that sort of stuff, I'm pretty sure you're supposed to be up her arse mate," I say. Chandler's the only one that laughs but that's always the case when I make a crude joke. I know Theseus wants to laugh but I also know that Cass would hex his face off if he did.

"I can't make jokes anymore? Thought it was glaringly obvious that the Chan-man only had eyes for her."

"Don't refer to yourself in the third person and as the Chan-man," Ash says with a smile, "That might be your problem right there."

I turn to look at my girlfriend, "You're saying that if Ophelia started to refer to Ophelia in the third-person and with a nickname, for example... O-dog, you would break up with O-dog?"

"Ash-flash would not break up with O-dog but O-dog has to realize that if O-dog is going to be talking in third-person, so will Ash-flash."

Theseus, who was balancing his quill on his upper lip for this entire conversation lets it tumble to the desk and looks at us, "Ash-flash? O-dog?"

"O-dog takes offence that Cee-bee was not paying attention to O-dog and Ash-flash's conversation," I say to him.

Theseus looks at Cass then back at me, "Am I missing something?"

"They're being dumb," Cassie says to him, "Dumb and bloody distracting."

"Ash-flash doesn't think that O-dog and Ash-flash are being dumb and distracting. Does O-dog think that Ash-flash is being dumb and distracting?"

I shake my head no, "O-dog does not think that Ash-flash is dumb and distracting. O-dog thinks that Ash-flash is very bloody hot in her outfit."

Chandler groans and hits his head on the desk, nearly knocking his own inkpot all over his notes.

Ash looks down at what she is wearing, "Ash-flash is just wearing O-dog's pyjamas today."

I look my girlfriend up and down, making sure to make a show out of it, "O-dog is well aware of what Ash-flash is wearing."

"Get a room," Cassie groans.

I look around the library, "Pretty sure this is a room mate."

"Get a private room."

"Right cause you and Cee make sure to do all your flirting in private rooms."

Theseus smirks at Cass, "She's got a point."

"Who's side are you on?" Cassie says to him.

"Guess the left cause I'm no longer allowed to be right according to you."

"Here we go again bloody hell... bring up being right one more time..."

Theseus leans over in his seat and kisses Cassie's forehead. And it would have been a cute gesture if he didn't lean too far forward and fall to the ground afterwards.

"That ladies and gentlemen," Chandler says in an announcer's voice, "Is what being right looks like!"

It's late by the time we all decide to go back to our common rooms. Like almost curfew late.

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