Part 2, Chapter 69- Theseus' POV

Start from the beginning

Cassiopeia stands there and listens to my every word. Not once does she look away from me, check her phone, look at the clock on the wall behind me. Nothing. Every time we speak she gives me her full, undivided attention even if it is just a silly conversation about what I put in my sandwich at Hogwarts that day.

"It might be wise to take your mother on a walk first, before she meets everyone. Dinner won't be ready for two hours according to Nan. That gives you plenty of time... okay not plenty. But a bit of time to begin to get to know her again and understand where she is coming from. Just you two. Then bring her into the house for dinner. Introduce her to everyone. Keep an eye on how she's feeling."

"I knew there was a reason I kept you around," I joke, "And it's not just because you're great in bed."

Cassiopeia smiles and shakes her head, "You're not funny."

"You are aware that you're laughing right now, yes?"

"You're aware that you are being an arse right now, yes?"

I hum and place a soft kiss between her eyebrows. Her entire being softens at my touch and she melts into me. Despite everything, she is always so open and willing to relax and just be when she is with me. It took me some time to be the same around her. But she didn't try to push me in any way, or demand that I show her the darkest parts of myself. She just stood by me, and loved me until I was ready, and then she loved me more once I told her my story.

There's a knock on the door and Freddie comes in covering his eyes with his hand, "Uh, sorry to interrupt, but there's a kind of mean-looking lady downstairs, very confused, asking for Theseus?" He uncovers his eyes slowly and sighs out of relief when he sees that Cassiopeia and I are not doing whatever he thought we were doing.

Cass looks at me, "I'll be in the house if you need me," she stands on her tiptoes and kisses me on the cheek softly.

I smile and nod at her, look at myself in the mirror one last time, run my fingers through my hair and walk out of the bedroom door.

"Imagine meeting your mum for the first time and her just not remembering what hell you've been through," I can hear Freddie say to Cass after I've left the room.

I don't have to imagine it.

Violet meets me at the bottom of the stairs, "She's outside," she says softly, putting her hand on my shoulder, "If you need us, we're right here darling."

"Thank you," I say in a hushed tone. George comes up behind her and gives me a smile in support. I smile right back before taking the last couple steps down the stairs and outside into the warm evening.

My mother is standing there in a dark purple dress. Not overly fancy but enough to stick out in the sea of jeans and jumpers that is inside. When she hears the door close behind her she turns around and looks at me.

"Theseus, darling. Where have you been? When I got your letter I was so confused, I didn't know you had a girlfriend!"

I don't really know how to react. She's smiling, happy that I have a girlfriend. But she's also clearly worried that I've been absent for the past week.

"Yeah, uh. I've been spending the last two holidays with her and her family." I say.

My mother smiles wide, "And she is a pureblood yes?"


I always thought that my parent's pureblood beliefs and what not was fueled by my father, he was so vocal about it all. But standing here, in front of my mother who's first question about my girlfriend was 'she's pureblood right?' and not 'what's her name?' I realize that she's been thinking the same way as him this whole time.

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