Part 2, Chapter 67- Theo's POV

Start from the beginning

"Am I bleeding?" I ask, my voice is nasally cause I'm pinching onto my nose.

"Well if you would move your hand I might be able to tell," Molly says trying to get a good look at my face.

"If you weren't auditioning for the next James Bond movie then this wouldn't be happening," I grumble back to her. I carefully move my hand away and both Bridget and Molly make a 'oooh' noise.

"Yeah that's pretty bad," Bridget says, "Here let's go back over to Nan."


Moll scoffs, "Cookies? Really? Who are you, Uncle Ron?"

"No you bloody idiot, I came down here to get Nan her tin of cookies."

"Ah, okay I'll find them."

Bridget and I walk into the kitchen just as Mum, Dad, Uncle Fred, Auntie Em, and Dora come back home from the park.

"What the fuck did we miss?" Dad says dropping the bag of toys and coming over to me.

"George Fabian Weasley you will do right and not use that language in this house!" Nan shouts from the kitchen making Victoire and Annie burst into laughter.

"Mum, you broke my kid! Sorry if I'm a little shocked!" Dad guides me by my shoulder over Kate and Dom who still haven't moved from the floor and brings me into the kitchen.

"Broke your kid? George, they're all fine. I haven't seen Freddie in a while but he's probably just asleep. What on gods green earth are you..." Nan turns from the sink and drops the plate that was in her hands.

Dad gestures to my face, "This one. You broke them."

Mum comes into the kitchen carrying Dora in her arms. She hands the little girl off to Victoire and comes right over to me. She grabs my chin in her hand and turns my face to hers.

"Ouch Mummy," I groan. My voice is thick, it's getting harder to breathe out of my nose.

"What the bloody hell happened to you? My sweet Theo! Come, come sit. Molly love do you still have some of that numbing cream?" Mum goes into full doctor mode as soon as I sit down.

Molly comes into the kitchen holding the tin of cookies above her head. She adjusts her glasses as she says, "Got them!" but no one seems very impressed.

"What happened darling?" Mum says in a hushed tone as she pulls up a chair in front of me. Nan hands her the numbing cream and she starts to slather it all over my broken nose.

"Ow, godric this smells. It was nothing Mum honest." I don't really want to say that I caught Molly and Bridget in the pantry and they kicked the door open and into my face. One just cause it's their business and I don't think they would like it if everyone knew. But also I don't want Mum to get upset with Molly, even if it was an accident.

"Let's go upstairs Dora, Daddy's having a kip, we can join him," Victoire says picking Dora up and heading upstairs.

"Daddy! Look at my toes!" Annie says to Dad wiggling her toes in the air.

Dad laughs, "Want to do mine?"


Dad and Annie gather all the varnish out of the kitchen and move into the living room so that Mum has some room to fix me.

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