Part 2, Chapter 61- Theo's POV

Start from the beginning

"It's not. We've already had that talk. Neither of us is interested in stuff like that. Not yet."

Dad nods, "Good. That's good. You're too young for that stuff anyway. But I want you to know some of the basics before you get to a place where you are interested in stuff like that, yeah?"

I shrug, "Yeah? I guess so."

Dad pats his knees, "Right. First things first. I have to ask, what types of people are you attracted to?"

I look at Dad for a minute, "What type of people am I attracted to?"

He nods, "You need different knowledge for different partners. It just lets me know which points I have to cover."

"Oh..." I think for a second, "I'm attracted to the female form."

Dad nods, "It's a good form to be attracted to."

"Oh my god."

"I'm just saying! Anyways, cool, now we've got that established. Let's talk about the most important thing there is to know... Consent."

"Consent is not where I thought you would be taking this."

"It's the only way this conversation should be headed. I mean yeah use a condom, learn where the clit is..."

"Dad oh my god!"

"Oi, it's very important for people to know where the clit is."

"This is going splendidly."

"Consent," Dad says again, "Is many different things. It can be as simple as asking 'can I kiss you?' or it can be something less simple like making sure that the person you want to have sex with is in the right state of mind to be making those decisions, whether it be how drunk they are, how high they are, or what mood they are in. If someone's in a depressive state then they might want to use sex as a form of self-harm rather than because they actually want to have it."

I nod, "Makes sense."

"Without consent, you don't do anything. You don't touch them, you don't flirt with them, you stop buying them drinks if you're at a pub. That's it. A no is a no."

I nod again.

"However, sometimes someone may say yes when they don't want to actually say yes. If they're scared, or if they just want to make you happy, they might consent just to get it over with. But that's not real consent. You have to listen to your partner, how they say things, the tone of their voice, their body language. If they say yes and you don't think they actually mean yes, then it's a no."

"Yeah, I mean, yeah. Isn't that obvious?"

Dad sighs, "You may think it would be obvious but it's not to lots of people. If your partner isn't having fun then it's not fun. You must both be on the same wave or else nothing happens. The same goes for you. In your relationships, you're going to be the one with the penis."

"I – jesus christ."

"Yeah, he had a penis too."

"Godric Dad!"

"he did too."

I don't respond this time cause I know that he's just going to make more jokes, "If your partner wants to have sex. But you're not interested in having sex, you are allowed to say no. Consent goes both ways. The thing is, however, while you may not want to have sex, you may pop a boner anyways depending on what your partner is doing to you. A boner does not mean consent either, despite what they might think."

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