Part 2, Chapter 59- Violet/Ophelia's POV

Start from the beginning

"Is that all you got out of that? Really?"

George lets the photo fall to the floor and places one hand on my stomach and the other on the back of my neck. He forces me to look at him, he's got the same dopey smile on his face that he had on his face every time I told him I was pregnant with the others, "We're going to have a baby. That's all that matters. Me and you, and our baby."

"And our five other babies?"

"Yeah them too."

Before George can kiss me, blue smoke seeps in from the window, we watch as it twists and forms into a snake... no, a Black Mamba. Cassiopeia's patronus.

"What the bloody hell..." George whispers.

The Patronus' mouth opens, "The Avery estate. Help me, Mummy, please."

Cassiopeia's voice is barely above a whisper but to me it feels like I've just been slapped in the face.

George jumps to his feet, "The Avery Estate? She was just outside – she was..." his voice trails off and he looks at me with defeat.

"Get our wands. Let's go." I say standing up from the bed. I haven't felt this way since I watched Draco get the dark mark. The anger inside me is unmatched. Like a switch just turned on and I've changed right back to how I was during the war. During my time without George. My baby is hurt. My darling Cassiopeia.

"You're not going anywhere near there!" George says louder than I would have liked him to, "No bloody way am I letting you go there when you're pregnant!"

I push past my husband and head towards the door, "I love you, I really do. But I don't give a damn what you say to me right now. I'm going to save my daughter."

I pull the door open and Freddie, Ophelia, Theo and Annie scatter. Bloody kids heard everything.

"Where's Cassiopeia?" Ophelia asks as George and I move swiftly through the kitchen and to the wand vase.

"What's going on?" Freddie demands.

"Mummy?" Annie asks.

I look at my kids, they're terrified and I am too but I can't show them that, "Your sister will be fine..."

"But she's not now?" Freddie snatches his wand out of the vase. Ophelia does the same.

"We don't have time for this. You two stay here, take care of your siblings. Your mother and I will be back." George snaps at the kids. It takes them all by surprise. George has never spoken to them like that before, it's always me that does the snapping.

I whisper an 'I love you to my children before grabbing George's hand and apparating off. I've only been to the Avery estate once. Here's hoping I remember it enough to apparate there.


***Ophelia's POV***

"Theo you're in charge. Keep Annie here. Don't even bloody think about following us."

I tie my hair up into a ponytail so it doesn't get in my face when I apparate.

"Go watch a movie or something. I'm sure it's all going to be fine." Freddie says. He's calmer than me which is something I didn't expect. "Call Nan, tell her to come over for a bit."

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