Nejire then put her hand of your shoulder as Overhaul look at the three of you, as he slowly was pulling down his gloves.

Y/n:"...............Excuse me........but, your daughter seems.......not happy........"

Overhaul:"A reaction to be scolded......"

Nejire:(Please Y/n....don't do anything stupid.....You're making him more suspicious.....)she thought looking at you, begging not to do something reckless.

Y/n:"........She's got bandages in her body.......those are just from playing rough?" Eri then hug your leg even more tigher as tears kept falling from her eyes as you started to turn skeptical.


Overhaul:"Eri is an exceptionally clumsy girl....hehe..."

Y/n:"...........Does it seem like it's normal to you?...." as for a split of a second your eyes were glowing bright green, which didn't go unnotice by Overhaul.

Overhaul:"It's dangerous to make assumptions about, what's normal for other people..."

Nejire:"Yeah, everybody's different, am I right?!(This is bad Overhaul....obviously doesn't want us to pry.....if we spook him now....he'll be even less likely to show himself.....we have to let it go.....I know you want to fight Y/n, but please.....this time........No, fights........)

Y/n:"..........................Start talking!!!" she then pointed a starbolt at Overhaul, who didn't even blink, as Eri hide behind you.

Nejire:(Oh, no!!!)

Overhaul:" heroes really pick up on the sublest things, don't you? Very well....this situation is embarassing so I'd prefer to discuss it, where we won't be overheard..." he then start walking in the halley, as the two of you followed as you had Eri in your arms, making her feel safe.





Overhaul:"Hard to admit you can't control your own child, but lately Eri defies matter what I try."

Y/n:"What do you try.....?"

Nejire:"Parenting, man...sounds rough....that can't be easy......"

Overhaul:"............Yes, children can be determined to do whatever they want and sometimes they just don't listen..." he said glaring at Ei and slightly pulling his gloves.

Eri seeing this let go off you and run back at Overhaul.

Overhaul:"Oh...good....done with your temper tantrum....?"

Y/n:" Little Eri.....wait!"

Overhaul:"She's always like this.......sorry to involve in our family drama.....I'm sure you have better things to be doing....good luck with your inernships..."

Eri and Overhaul then start walking away...not before the little girl, looked at you one last time....

not before the little girl, looked at you one last time

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