SNUGGLY BEAR SWEETIE PIE- bring your own booze if you don't like the shit I buy then James

LOUIS- I'm bringing Amar

SCORPIUS- I guess I'll bring Albus

ALBUS- bitch we are sitting on OUR sofa in OUR flat you better be bringing me

MOLLY- spend my first New Year as a married woman with my dumbass cousins? Yikes.

LUCY- can someone pick me up on their way? Mum and Dad lock up the Floo Powder when they leave so I can't sneak out

DOMINIQUE- I'm bringing Kate

VICTOIRE- I won't be able to show! Dora has caught a cold and Teddy's no use. Lots of love my darlings <3

*Dominique has left the chat*

*Molly has added Dominique to the chat*

"You wanna come help me figure out what I'm wearing tonight?" Cassie says not so subtly to Theseus.

"No! No, no, no! It's a family party. You don't have to get all dressed up and you are NOT having sex in this house with us in it!" Theo says to Cassie.

"Bold of you to assume we haven't already," Cassie says back to Theo.

Theo pretends to vomit and Cassie and Theseus start laughing.

"Haha, rub your happy little relationship in all of our faces why don't you." I say before getting up from the sofa, "I'm gonna make popcorn."

"It's nearly January!" Cassie sings, "Does that mean you and Ash are finally gonna snog?"

"Ash? Like Ash Nelson? Hey Leah! Did what I said to her work? Did she snog you?" Annie says. She crawls back into a normal sitting position and grabs onto her head, "Woah, head rush."

I roll my eyes, "No she didn't snog me." I call as I pour popcorn kernels into a pot on the stove.

"Boo! She said she would! I was trying to be an angel wing!" Annie says.

"A what?" Cassie laughs.

"An angel wing! You know the people you see in all the muggle movies that talk to the person their friend fancies for them!"

"A wingman," Theseus corrects her.

"And how do you know that term mister 'I hate muggle technology!' eh?" Cassie says to her boyfriend/not-boyfriend.

"Do you think that if everyone in the world all blew really hard in one direction that it would cause like a tornado or something?" Annie asks out of the blue.

The popcorn in front of me starts to pop so the rest of the conversation is drowned out. As I start to melt the butter in a different saucepan I start to think about what Cassie said. It's January tomorrow, and there's absolutely nothing standing in my way of pursuing a genuine relationship with Ash. Uncle Fred is home, my grades are good, quidditch is great. Now all I have to do is hope that Ash still wants to go on that date with me.

We've been texting on and off all holiday so far and she hasn't really said anything about January coming up or anything. It's mostly just been us playing dumb games online together and asking each other stupid get-to-know-you questions. Like her favourite colour is viridian green. And when I said 'why the specifics?' she called me and went on an hour-long rant with no pauses or breaks as to why that is the best shade of green, then she promptly hung up on me and continued our texting conversation.

Cassie walks into the kitchen and goes into the fridge to pour herself a glass of water, "You should invite Ash tonight." She says to me, "You told her nothing can happen till January, so why not invite her over and snog her at midnight?"

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