Part 2, Chapter 37- Freddie's POV

Start from the beginning

"Ricky?" Evie touches my arm, "Darling are you alright?"

I look into my darling Evie's eyes and everything feels a little bit better, "Yeah," I say, "Yeah I'm alright love."

Evie goes back to the conversation she was having with Amar and Louis, but she keeps her hand on my arm the whole time, grounding me in this moment rather than letting my mind run a mile a minute.

"I'm going to go get another drink," I say to my friends, "Anyone want anything?"

"White wine if there's any," Evan says.

Louis kisses Evan's temple, Amar gets distracted by it and his words waver as he tries to explain something to Evie, "I'll have a white wine too eh Freddie Bear?"

"Only Nan drinks white wine, you two are messed up. I say picking my cup up off the table and walking into the kitchen.

Uncle Fred, Auntie Em, Uncle Harry, and Aunt Ginny are sitting at the dining table as I pour the drinks.

"All I'm saying is you named your kid after fucking Snape and I didn't even get an honourable mention. I love Albus don't get me wrong, but I'd love him more if his name was Fred." Uncle Fred says.

"By the time Al was born Vi and George already had Freddie." Aunt Ginny explains.

"Okay and? Could have named him Wilfred, Fredrickson, Alfred... or even Lily, Winifred, Fredricka... I'm just saying it was a little insensitive." Uncle Fred says.

Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny look at each other, "Albus Alfred Potter. Catchy." Uncle Harry says causing everyone to laugh.

"Oh, and Albus Severus is any better!" Uncle Fred shouts.

Al, who has been standing by the kitchen sink with Scorpius this whole time shouts, "Oi! Leave me and my shitty name out of your conversations!"

Aunt Ginny spins around in her chair, "You love your name!"

"Do I Mum?" Albus frowns, "Do I really?"

Scorpius whispers something in Al's ear and he goes bright red. Aunt Ginny decides it best that she doesn't ask what that was all about and I silently thank her for that.

"I'm not just mad at you two. Out of all of my siblings, only one of them thought to honour my life with a child named after me. Bloody maddening if you ask me." Uncle Fred continues. He notices me standing not too far away and he smiles, 'There he is! My namesake! Off to get married to his Hogwarts sweetheart oh I'm so proud."

Hannah, who just walked into the kitchen hears everything and looks at me, "You're getting married to your Hogwarts sweetheart? What was her name again Freddie?"

I go to answer but she cuts me off,

"Poppy! Wasn't it? You and Poppy were together for a while weren't you."

Uncle Fred whistles and hands me his cup, "You're gonna need this." He says.

Aunt Em laughs and scolds Uncle Fred all at the same time. Once I've taken the cup from Uncle Fred he turns around and kisses Auntie Em. Darcy, who's been sitting silently beside Auntie Em this whole time gets up and leaves, not looking very happy with the whole thing.

I look at Hannah who has a sick, twisted smile on her face, "Evie, Evie West, soon to be Weasley." I say taking a drink from Uncle Fred's cup. I nearly spit it all out, Godric that's strong.

Hannah makes an 'o' shape with her mouth, "Right, Evie. You didn't cheat on her like you did Poppy did you?"

Uncle Fred coughs trying to hide the fact that he just said, 'well god damn.'

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