Part 2, Chapter 35- Cassiopeia's POV

Start from the beginning

Theseus and I haven't you know... which like we only started being like romantic or whatever this is like a week ago. And he still has a girlfriend, trust me I haven't forgotten about that.

Theseus peppers my neck with kisses as his hands slowly creep up underneath my shirt, "Theseus... it's late," I laugh.

Theseus stops and leans back on the sofa, he looks into my eyes and smirks, "Are you going to go to bed or are you going to just sit on top of me like this? Cause if you are, might as well get to work." His eyes flick down to the crotch of his pants then back up at me.

"Goodnight Theseus," I say before kissing his forehead and getting off his lap.

Theseus tosses his head backwards and rests on the back of the couch so he can still look at me, "Fucking tease." He whispers as to not wake anyone in the house.

I walk towards the hallway but turn around to look at him right before I turn the corner, "Did you really think that you'd get in my pants that easy? After how many years of relentless teasing?"

Theseus rolls his eyes and smiles at the same time, "I never teased you, darling."

"Oh right totally, you just made sure to snog someone every time I walked in a room and the constant flirting even though you were in a relationship."

"Even though I am in a relationship... you used past tense."

"Yeah... I say softly, "My point exactly... Goodnight Theseus."

"Goodnight Cassiopeia," Theseus whispers.

I turn the corner and walk into my room. Just before I can close the door Theseus grabs onto my door and pushes it open again.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I do my best to be serious but I can't help but smile just a little.

"This," he whispers stepping into my room and closing the door behind him. He puts his hand around my throat and pushes me up against the nearest wall. He waits for me to show any sign of consent so when I nod my head he tightens his grip around my throat, squeezing in all the right areas and attaches his lips to mine.

My hands instinctively go to the back of his neck so I can pull him closer to me. He bites my bottom lip and smiles. The grip he has on my neck loosens till he fully takes his hand away.

"Goodnight Cassiopeia." He says before he kisses my forehead, "Get some sleep darling." Theseus leaves me alone to catch my breath.

"Fuck," I whisper to myself as I peel myself off of the wall and hide under the covers of my bed.

I wake up the next morning to crashes in the kitchen and Mum screaming.

So basically your everyday experience in the Weasley household.

But when I leave my room and see Ophelia, Theo, Annie, Freddie, and Theseus all hiding in the hallway I know that this is definitely not your everyday experience.

"Hey," Theseus whispers to me as I step between him and Freddie.

"Hi," I whisper back.

Theseus moves my hair from my neck a little and smirks. He leans down to my ear and whispers, "Might have squeezed a little too hard last night. Best you leave your hair down today."

"I don't care! Get out of my house! Get out!" Mum screams.

"That's no way to talk to a sick old woman Violet." A cold woman's voice responds. I've only ever heard that voice once before in my entire life.

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