Part 2, Chapter 33- Freddie's POV

Start from the beginning

Annie sees me and hops off of not-dad, Fred... I'm Fred... Uncle Fred... I'm gonna explode.

Let's try this again.

Annie sees me and hops off of Uncle Fred's lap and runs over to me, "Freddie! Freddie's home!" She throws herself onto me and I nearly lose my balance. My bags fall to the floor as I catch my sister in my arms.

"Hey, Annie! Careful now you're not as small as you were before." I say holding onto her tight so she doesn't fall.

I walk into the living room and Mum comes over. Annie falls to the ground just in time cause Mum pulls me into the tightest hug she's ever given me and peppers my face with kisses, "I thought you weren't coming home till tonight!" She says happily, "Look ay you all grown up oh god I'm gonna cry!"

I give Mum another hug, "Hi Mumma, I've missed you."

Mum lets go of me so Dad can give me a hug hello, then Theo, then Cassie. Ophelia gives me a fist bump and that's about all of our physical interaction. She's only like two inches shorter than me and it's been so weird getting used to my little sister being the same height as me.

Once Mum gives me about five more hugs and a hundred forehead kisses she lets me go and sits back up on the counter beside Dad.

"Pancakes this morning eh Freddie?" Dad says to me.

I nod and take a seat at the dining table, "Yeah sounds good." I look at my uncle from across the table, then at Cassie who is sitting beside that Greek cunt discussing something that they've been studying in school.

"So is anyone going to explain why Dad's dead twin brother is sitting in my spot at the table or am I just supposed to accept that this is the new normal around here and call it a day?" I say.

Dad laughs, "Well you left us, so we had to find another Fred."

"What?" I say looking at Dad.

Mum is red in the face from laughing so hard, "Yeah! You know how your Dad is, we lost a Fred, then we had you, another Fred. But then you left so we had to go and find the first one."

Now everyone is laughing, even fucking dollar store Zeus over there.

"Hi," Uncle Fred says sticking his hand out from across the table, "My name's Fred."

Mum nearly falls off the counter she's laughing so bloody hard. I stare at my Uncle for a very long time, "You're not Fred. I am."

"Mate you're the one with my name, I'm not the one with your name." Uncle Fred says, "Shake my hand damnit."

I shake his hand and nearly scream. I was expecting him to just pass right through me like he did at Hogwarts all the time. But no, no, no, no, I'm shaking my dead Uncle's hand.

"Okay seriously. I was only gone for five months. What the fuck." I say.

"Language Fred!" Mum says.

"I am a forty-seven-year-old man LeStrange, I can say whatever I want." Uncle Fred says.

Mum rolls her eyes so hard that all anyone can see is the whites of her eyes for a solid three seconds, "Not you Fred, you Fred." Mum says looking at me, "I don't care if you fly around the world battling monsters, in this house, you don't cuss like that."

"Sorry Mumma," I say.

"Bit rich coming from the woman who told her professor that his favourite colour is the colour of his own shit in her fourth year eh?" Uncle Fred says to Mum.

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