Part 2, Chapter 29- Cassiopeia's POV

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"That's how conversations work Theseus, I say something then you say something then I say something..."

Theseus shakes his head and looks down at the floor. He reaches down and picks up the letter that he was reading and passes it to me.

"Are you sure?" I ask before I take it from him.

"Yeah," He whispers.

I take the letter from him and look at Theseus, before I turn my attention to the letter,

I thought we came to an agreement Theseus. You will not associate yourself with Mudbloods of any kind. Especially not muggle-borns. And to hear that you not only are speaking to that scum but dating it?

There will be hell to pay son.

You will tell me its name, where it lives, who it lives with. Then you will come with me and explain to it why we are there. Then you will take care of the situation that you have put yourself in. Then I will take care of you.

Your mother is disgusted, she hasn't stopped wailing since she found out. The bitch can't keep herself together and it's all your fault.

The second you step off that train I expect you home. I do hope that it is the only 'friend' that you have made because once I am finished with you, there will be none of you left to send back to that blasted school.

I read the letter a few times over, just to make sure that I'm actually reading what I'm reading. I look over at Theseus who has started to cry silently again beside me.

"Theseus..." I whisper.

He chokes on his breath, "I can't go home Cassiopeia. He's going to kill her, then he's going to kill me." His breath hitches, "And I can't stay here, it's too late to tell McGonagall my change of plans and – and even if I do... he'll know where to find me. A – and if I stay with Georgette I'll be putting her entire family at more risk than I would be if I just went home. She – Georgette doesn't even know anything about my family..." Theseus looks at me in the eye, tears flowing down his face, "W – what do I..." He takes a shaky breath, "what do I do?"

Tears threaten to spill down my cheeks, seeing Theseus so broken and genuinely scared like he is right now. My mind races trying to think of something to say to him. Anything to say to him. I put my hand on his knee gently. Theseus flinches away from my touch for a second but I can see him instantly relax.

"Come home with me," I whisper, "Come home for the holidays with me."


What? Why did I say that? I mean it's the only logical thing to do but seriously? What?

Despite my mind telling me to take it back I continue, "Spend the holiday with me. Your father doesn't know who I am. And even if he did.... I'm pure. My family is pure. My mother is a Black, she's part of the oldest, purest, family that has ever existed. Even if he found out where you were staying, he couldn't possibly get mad."

Theseus blinks a few times, trying to figure out if I'm being serious or not. Honestly, so am I.

"You're parents... your father... he – he saw us in that – office." Theseus is still stumbling over his words a bit. I dunno if it's because he wasn't expecting me to say what I said or if it's because he's still trying to recover from the literal death threat his bastard father sent him.

"My father..." I take a breath, "My Dad doesn't hate you Theseus. I don't think my Dad has hated anyone in his life. He was just surprised is all. And bun my parents. They've always said that our house is open to anyone and everyone that needs it."

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