Part 2, Chapter 18- Cassiopeia's POV

Start from the beginning

"I heard Theo has over fifty students protesting with him..."

"Mum, why are you here?"

Mum stops walking and looks at me head-on, "What do you mean why am I here? You were injured."

"I was injured Monday. I'm fine now. I've been fine." I say, crossing my arms over my chest. Mums a lot taller than me but we have the same presence almost. We take up the same amount of space in any room if that makes any sense.

"Your father and I weren't allowed to come till today darling, McGonagall's orders."

"Seems like my father couldn't be bothered to show up at all." I scoff.

Mum looks pretty hurt by that but at this point, I'm used to the look she's giving me right now. It's the look of sheer disappointment.

"I asked your father not to come. I think it's high time that we have a conversation without any interruptions." Mum says, picking her words carefully.

"Just me and you? You sure you're up for something like that? Given you haven't spoken to just me in I dunno how many years at this point." I start walking again.

"Cassiopeia Lee Weasley, you will not walk away from your mother when you are having a conversation with her." Mum snaps from behind me.

"Pulling out the full name I see. I thought you'd forgotten it."

Mum walks closer to me, "Don't be daft. You're my daughter."

"You sure about that?"

"Course I'm bloody sure about it. I keep telling myself that you're just a teenager and all teenagers talk back to their parents, especially the ones that they are most like. But Merlin's left testicle Cassiopeia you are making that difficult to remember."

We stare at each other for a beat. Both of us trying to keep our emotions in check so we can have a conversation without ripping each other's heads off. It's seeming like it's going to be a lot harder than either of us thought.

"I came here to apologize Cass." Mum says, "You said that I was one of the main causes of your break. Hearing that..." Mum takes a shaky breath and starts to play with the rings on her fingers. One that Dad gave her when they were my age, the other Dad gave her when they got married, "Hearing that hurt me in a way I've never been hurt before. As your mother, I'm supposed to be the person you can come to with these things, not the person causing them."

I look up in the sky and press my lips together, doing everything in my power not to break down sobbing. I take a breath, calm myself down as much as I can so when I speak again my voice doesn't crack and show emotion. I know she's sincere. It's written all over her face, how she's carrying herself. But the biggest part of me wants to hurt her just a little bit more. Make her feel how I've been feeling all these years.

"Yeah well. You were the person causing it all. And I don't think you could ever change that. No matter how many tears you shed, or trips out to Hogwarts you make. The damage is done."

Instant regret floods my entire body as I watch my mother do everything in her power not to completely break down in the middle of the castle grounds.

"Mum, I didn't mean – I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry." As soon as the word sorry leaves my mouth tears spill down my cheeks.

Mum sniffs her nose, "No darling, please never apologize for telling me how you truly feel. Keeping all your emotions in the way you do leads to things like overcharging yourself and nearly blowing up your school."

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