Part 2, Chapter 15- Ophelia's POV

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Madam Pomfrey listens carefully as she pours different liquids in vials and mixes things together, "Overcharge of magical ability. I haven't seen a case this bad in years." She mutters under her breath. Then she looks over her shoulder at me, "You have other siblings at Hogwarts right now, correct Miss Weasley? Why don't you go find them so they can be here when she wakes up. It might take a few hours."

"But she's going to wake up?" I say staring at the back of Madam Pomfrey's head.

She picks up a vial that is full of a bright red liquid, so bright that it's almost glowing, "Yes, she's going to wake up. I have never lost a student and I don't plan on starting now. She'll wake up soon, but when she does, she's going to be a little loopy."

I nod before stepping out of the room and out into the corridor. As soon as I'm alone tears start falling down my face. I didn't realize how scared I was for her till Pomfrey said that she would be fine.

It's suddenly hard to breathe. I press my hand against the wall to stabilize myself.

"Hey, heyheyhey, Ophelia?" Uncle Fred comes out of nowhere, "Are you alright? What happened? All of us ghosts felt a serious shift in the castle and I figured it was one of mine."

"C – Cass. S – she... I – I..."

"Take a breath, it's alright. Take a breath for me, Ophelia, in through your nose out through your mouth."

Uncle Fred breathes with me, and it's not long before my head clears and I can explain what happened to Uncle Fred.

He listens carefully, and lets me get emotional when I need to, "I'll round up the other Weasleys before next period starts and send them up here. You should get in contact with Vi and G."

"I told her I wouldn't, I said I wouldn't tell Mum and Dad," I say.

Uncle Fred shakes his head, "They have to know, especially since Cass said that Vi was one of the reasons she had a break."

"Yeah... but the shops open right now. They can't just drop everything like that."

"They will though. Get that muggle talking box out of your pocket and contact your parents. I'll be back." Uncle Fred doesn't leave till I have my phone in my hand and I'm searching through my contacts for Mum's number.

She picks up after one ring.

"Ophelia? Are you okay?"

I sniff my nose, "I'm alright. But I don't think Cass is... She had a sort of, emotional breakdown? And Madam Pomfrey says that she overcharged or something? I dunno."

"Madam Pomfrey? She's in the hospital wing?"

I can hear dishes and things clattering in the background, she's probably doing the lunch dishes which means that Dad was cooking today.

"Yeah, I just brought her in. Uncle Fred is getting everyone else to come by. He said I should tell you."

"Okay. I'll get in contact with McGonagall and see if we can stop by the castle."

I debate with myself for a second, Mum sounds worried enough, I don't want to upset her any more than I have to. But Uncle Fred said that she should know.


"Yes, darling?"

"Cass said that you're one of the reasons that she flipped out. The other one was because she found out I'm an animagus."

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