Chapter 87- Ophelia's POV

Start from the beginning

This is going to be the literal worst day of my life and I've nearly died recently.

I go over to the wall covered in our exploding enterprises and get to work. "Bang, Bang, Boggart Bangers... who even named this shit." I say to myself, "One galleon, twenty sickles... that's actually not too bad... one, two, three, four... I wanna fucking die, five... six... seven... kill me now.... Eight, nine, ten... oh my god."

"Leah? Can we try counting in our heads?" Dad calls from the first floor. I look up and he's looking at me over the railing, "And can we leave out the swearing? You're Mum's not going to like that too much."

Someone knocks on the glass window near me and I almost shit myself. I look over, ready to be annoyed, but that face? Attached to that body? Fuck. I can't be mad at a girl who looks that pretty. I get up from the floor and walk over to the door, unlocking it and popping my head out.

"Sorry darling, shops closed today," I say. I don't care if I'm thirteen and this woman looks like she's around Victoire's age. I would have to be straight not to flirt with her just a little.

She smiles at me, "You're adorable. I'm here for a job interview? With Missus Weasley?"

"Can I get your name? I have to see if you're on the list." I hold out the clipboard that I have the list that Mum gave me and click my pen twice.

The woman laughs, "I'm Lauren, Lauren Addams."

I pretend to skim the list even though her name is the first one, "Suppose I can let you in." I push the door open more and she walks into the shop.

I radio Mum quickly and start talking to the woman again, "So Lauren, can I call you Lauren? What made you apply for the job?"

Just as I say that Dad walks down the stairs with few empty boxes. Lauren smiles really big when she sees him, "Mister Weasley! A pleasure to meet you."

Her voice has gone up three octaves. Her smile flirtatious... She's not seriously flirting with my Dad in front of his kid, while he is working in the shop that he runs with his wife is she?"

Dad looks awkward, "Oh, hullo. You must be one of the candidates that my darling wife Violet is meeting with is that correct?" Dad wipes his hands on his pants and shakes Lauren's hand, "Call my George. Mister Weasley is my father."

Lauren laughs way too hard at his shitty joke and her smile gets bigger, "I'm so happy I managed to see you before I meet with your wife. I absolutely love your joke shop, I used to come in all the time when I was a little girl. Looking at all the bright colours and delicious sweets."

Now I'm uncomfortable, and Dad is too. He's an awkward guy, especially around women when Mum's not around.

Thankfully Mum comes out of the office and comes over to us. Lauren's whole personality changes, her voice drops back down to the tome that she was talking to me in, "Hi there Miss Addams, my name is Missus Weasley."

"Violet I've heard so many wonderful things," Lauren says holding her hand out to Mum.

Mums got a sour look on her face now, "Missus Weasley will do just fine thank you."

Mum looks beyond annoyed but she takes Lauren into the office with her and closes the door.

Dad looks at me, "Give you a galleon that Mumma's gonna make her cry."

"Only a galleon? That's not fair."

Dad smiles and ruffles the hair on the top of my head and heads back upstairs. I go back over to the exploding enterprises and finish counting the Bang, Bang Boggart Bangers, and move onto the Bombtastic Bombs, the Box 'o' Rockets, the Crystal Incantation Comets, and the Demon Dung Crackers before Mum and Lauren come out of the office.

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