Chapter 85- Freddie's POV

Start from the beginning

So maybe I was late to quidditch practice. Big deal, what's Kate going to do? Kick me off the team two weeks before the final match?

"Weasley, you're running laps for the next hour." Kate doesn't even look at me as I walk onto the pitch.

"Running laps?"

She glares at me, "Yes Fred. Running laps. Like with your feet. You start there..." She points over to the edge of the pitch, "And you run around and guess what? You end up back where you started!" Her words are drenched in sarcasm but her face is as serious as I've ever seen it. "Do it for an hour. I'll start a timer. Let's do them clockwise too, see if it'll help you learn how to tell time."

"Your bloody mental if you think I'm running for an hour."

"You can bet your right ball that I'm making you run for an hour." Kate grabs the whistle that she has around her neck and blows on it hard, "MOVE! MOVE! MOVE!"

Update. I did it... only stopped three times to vomit so I call that a success.

"Up on your broom Weasley, run drills with Wood till one of you falls off from exhaustion," Kate says to me once I've finished my laps. She blows her whistle hard, "Weasley! Torres! What the fuck are you doing up there? I told you to hit those targets fifty times each!" Kate blows her whistle three more times. Remind me to find whoever gave her that whistle and snap their neck.

I pick up my broom from where I dropped it before I started my laps and fly upwards and over to Timothy who is flying through hoops to practice his agility.

"You look like hell." He says as he comes over to me and hovers beside me.

"Remind me to never be late to a practice would you?"

"I've tried, but in case you haven't noticed, you're pig-headed and don't listen to anyone."

"I said drills! Not a damn tea party!" Kate screams at us from below.

Kate doesn't let us go anywhere till half an hour before curfew. Which means that we were on the pitch from 6:45 to 9:30. In theory that doesn't sound very bad but after an hour of running, anything is bad.

Rose and I limp back to the castle together, "You spoke to Cass at the Gryffindor party a while back yeah?"

Rose nods, "Yeah spent the whole night with her, Al, and Scor. I actually managed to get Cass to take a shot of fire whiskey you should have seen her face."

"She seem off at all?"

"Well, she's a lightweight so I mean it was pretty funny. But no, nothing too crazy. Why?"

"Nothing, that new kid has put her on edge so I was wondering if she said anything to you about it."

"The new kid that flirts with her every second he has? She told me she hates the bastard but that's it. I'm sort of jealous, he's so bloody fit."

I roll my eyes, "Cass knows better than to mess with a guy like that. I heard he's a blood supremacist."

"Oh, he totally is. Don't tell Mum and Dad I said this but I'd let him completely degrade me for my blood status any day of the week."

"I didn't need that. I really didn't need to... no I'm not doing this." I say. Rose laughs and bumps her hip into me as we walk.

"Hey! Freddie, can I talk to you for a second?" Molly says to me as we pass her in the halls. I say night to Rose and she heads up to the common room with the rest of the team. Molly and I walk down a different corridor for a minute before she stops and turns to me.

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