Citizien:" Why aren't the Heroes doing anything?!?"

Citizien 2:"When will the pro step in!!"

Citizien 3:"Oh, poor boy."

Katsuki then made eye contact with Izuku.

Izuku:".................." Izuku then close his eyes and start running towards Bakugou, before he heard...

Allmight:" I AM HERE!!!" he then punched the Sludge Villain freeing Katsuki.

(Time-skip pov.)

Izuku was walking back home, he then stopped when he heard two voices.

Izumi:" A-Allmight? What are you doing here?"

Toshinori:"Well, Young Yagi it's simple....." he then turned back to Toshinori.

Izumi:" DAD?!?"

Toshinori:" Yes, I'm Allmight Izumi."

Izumi:" W-Woah..."

Toshinori:" daughter, I want you to inherit my Quirk......One for All....."

Izumi:" B-But what about Izuku.....?"

Toshinori:" He's not inherit the One for All.....He's also it's better not waste this power...."

Izuku heard enough, he clench his fist and run away to the trash beach, to let go some steam.

(Yagi's home pov.)

Inko:"Honey, have you heard from Izuku?"

Toshinori:"No.....I don't think he's home yet."

Inko:"Do you know where he could be?"

(Izuku pov.)

Izuku was let in out all his anger, and crying.

Izuku then look at the sky....

Izuku then look at the sky

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Izuku:"Please......I just be an hero......please.....that's all I want to be......"

Izuku stared at the sky in tears before he notice something falling from the sky.

Izuku stared at the sky in tears before he notice something falling from the sky

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Izuku start to run away, from the meteor and it ended up in a explosion.......

When Izuku opened his eyes he looked to see a beutiful girl with red flaming hair and green eyes on top of him..

When Izuku opened his eyes he looked to see a beutiful girl with red flaming hair and green eyes on top of him

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The girl then passed out in his arms, completly tired

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The girl then passed out in his arms, completly tired....

Izuku:" What just happened to you...." he then look at the girl to see she was very injured.... and needed...

Izuku gently put her down,got up, grab his phone start calling for an ambulance.

Izuku:"'s a girl.....she's very injured at the Dagboa Beach....yes.....the one with the trash......please come here quickly......she's bleeding....very bad....and" he then turn around to see that the girl was gone, but there was a blood mark on the ground.

Izuku:"H-How did she.....But she was....gone......." he then wal towards the crater of beach.

Izuku:( Was that an hero?......or a Villain?)

To be continued.....

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