Chapter 76- Cassiopeia's POV

Start from the beginning

"Really? Because I've asked a few Slytherins. According to them, no one speaks to you. Not since your sister left school."

Anger rages inside me but I don't say anything. I start climbing the stairs fast, putting distance between Theseus and me.

He doesn't say anything else till I get to the tapestry that the Room of Requirement is behind, "This? This is what you woke up early for." He says crossing his arms over his chest. A button on his shirt pops open and I do my best not to stare.

"Why don't you run along and make some friends?" I snap at him. I look at him, he's quite a lot taller than me.

Theseus smirks, "Are we not friends Cassiopeia?"

"Definitely not."

"Ouch. I'm hurt."

I roll my eyes, "What is your problem? You've been here two days, and haven't hopped off my dick since."


I turn so I am looking at him head-on, "Fuck off."

Theseus smirks at me again, "And miss all the fun? I'd rather not."

I do my best to not let my anger get the best of me. I decide it'll just be better if I ignore Theseus completely. I open the Room of Requirement the same way I always do and pull the tapestry aside and open the door. As I expected, Theseus follows right behind me and into my otherwise safe space.

"A personalized training facility?" He says looking around the room carefully. "You aren't supposed to be in here are you?"

"No, you're not supposed to be in here." I huff. I walk over to my desk and pull out my notebook. Theseus up behind me, nearly touching but not quite, and looks over my shoulder.

"The Dark Arts?" He asks, even though he fully knows the answer, "I suppose daddy Weasley won't be too keen to find out his daughter is a dark witch."

"I'm not a dark witch." I snap, looking through my notebook to find a spell that I have mastered so I can show off a little for Theseus. I don't know why, but I have the constant need to impress him whenever he's around me.

"Ah right. Because a light witch hexes the mouth off of one of her dormmates." He chuckles.

I step away from my desk and pull out my wand, pointing it at a dummy. Without saying anything, I flick my wrist and the dummy disintegrates in front of my eyes. I turn around and look at Theseus, waiting for him to say something about how impressive that was. Instead,

"have you ever duelled a real person? Or are dummies the best you can do?"

I stare at him, my eye twitches. He pulls out his wand. It's like nothing I've ever seen before. Made of a deep purple wood, longer than most wands found in England. He twirls it in his fingers. The handle has small gold detailing.

"I'm not going to duel you," I say matter of factly.

He stops twirling his wand, "And why's that?"

"I don't want to hurt anyone."

"Silly girl. You won't be able to hurt me."

I point my wand at him, "Stupefy!" I shout.

I swear to god, Theseus yawns before blocking my charm. "Is that really the best you have? What happened to the Cassiopeia from the forest?" He sends a charm towards me and I just manage to block it.

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