Chapter 75- Freddie's POV

Start from the beginning

"I would darling, but I've got to study."

Evie pouts, "You're really going to make me walk all by my lonesome?"

I peck her cheek, "Sorry love."

Evie huffs but she gets up and heads out of the library. I watch her leave, with a smug look on my face. She's wearing a pair of my flannel pyjama pants and my quidditch jumper that has WEASLEY 3 knitted into the back. Seeing her wear my clothes is one thing, but seeing her wear my name... Christ, maybe I should have went on that walk. I lean back in my chair so I can see her till she turns the corner.

"What the hell was that about?" Amar asks.

I look back at my friends, "I don't think you two want to know." I shrug.

Louis's face scrunches up in disgust, "Oh god! In the middle of the library? I'm an arms-length away! And you gave Al and Scor shit for getting it on in the shop!"

"That's kind of hot though," Amar says. Louis looks at me, his eyebrows furrowed together and his forehead all wrinkled, "I mean, getting your partner off in public? Hot as fuck dude." Amar reaches over the desk to give me a high five but he pulls away at the last second, "That wasn't the hand that you were using was it?"


"Okay good." He reaches back over and gives me a high five.

"Where did she even go?" Louis asks me.

I shrug, "Probably to finish what I started and change her panties."

Amar laughs and Louis scrunches his face up again, "I've really got to start learning to mind my own business."

We go back to studying, trying to shove as much information into my brain before the end of term as I possibly can. I know that Dad never got the best grades when he was in school but he's crazy smart. And Mum was always top of her class. Me, being the first of their kids to take their OWLs... there's a lot of pressure to get at least straight E's if not O's.

Evie comes back about half an hour later. Recently, her friend helped her put braids in her hair, and it looks gorgeous. They hang all the way down to her ass when they aren't tied up in a big bun on the top of her head like she has them in now.

"Feeling better?" I say to her.

She comes over to me and whispers in my ear so that the others can't hear her, "You're going to be fucking yourself for a while, Weasley, teasing me like that." She sits down gracefully and picks up her pen, getting back to work.

An hour before the lunch bell is supposed to ring, Amar tosses his pen across the table, "I'm done, good night and God bless." He then lies his head on the table. Louis pats Amar's head a couple of times but he doesn't stop copying notes out of the transfiguration textbook.

"Hey," Domonique says, plopping herself down in the empty chair beside me.

"You look like you haven't slept in years." Louis points out.

Dom smirks at her brother, "Et tu ressembles à un garçon amoureux de son meilleur ami. Est-ce celui-là?" (translation- and you look like a boy in love with his best friend. Is this the one?) She juts her chin out towards Amar, who looks just as lost as I feel. Louis's ears go pink but he doesn't say anything back to her.

"You can talk French to me all day, darling," Amar says in a dream-like state.

Dominique glares at him, "Je vais vous couper les orteils et les donner à mon chien." (translation- I'm going to cut off your toes and give them to my dog.) She says whatever it is that she said in a way that sounds like she's flirting but I know Dom better than that.

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