Chapter 73- Cassiopeia's POV

Start from the beginning

I stop everything I'm doing. My wand falls to the ground beside my feet. And the flames disappear as fast as I summoned them. The trees and grass in the clearing are charred to death, except for the small patch of grass directly below my feet.

I stand there, not moving, trying to catch my breath. My smile never leaving my face. I can feel burns up and down my bare legs, and I think my boots have melted to the grass but that can be solved later. Nothing a little healing magic can't fix.

"So this is what Hogwarts students do for fun."

In one swift motion, I pick up my wand and spin around to face the bodiless voice. Theseus is standing right behind me, my wand now pressed into his chest. He doesn't seem bothered by it though, his hands in his suit pockets, his face blank of all emotion.

"Did – did you follow me out here?" I spit.

Theseus doesn't even blink when he responds, "Hogwarts is so small, so bland. I came out here to find something to do." He walks around my small patch of green grass slowly. I follow his movements, never letting my wand drop.

"If Hogwarts is so horrible, why did you leave your school?" I say to him.

He stops walking and looks at me, we are so close that I can feel his breath on my face, smell his expensive cologne, "You make it sound like it was my choice. If it were up to me, I would not have left Greece."

"Why did your family leave?"

Theseus smirks and looks me up and down, "You should go to the school's medical wing, before that scars, it would be a shame... I will see you in the common room..." He turns away from me and walks through the clearing and into the thick forest.

Once I can't see him anymore, I drop my wand arm down to my side, "What the hell was that..." I whisper to myself.

I shake myself out of the confused state that Theseus managed to put me in and walk over to my phone. Luckily the protective bubble that I put it in stayed intact and with a quick counter curse, I am able to get my phone out and work my way back through the forest.

By the time I reach the edge of the forest it's nearly curfew. I see a figure walking slowly back up the path to the castle and figure that it is Theseus on his way back to the common room.

I don't take his advice though, there's not a chance that I'll be going to the hospital wing and be forced to explain how exactly I managed to hurt myself. I don't see that conversation going very well.

I walk close behind Theseus, but not too close that he will notice that I'm there. It's not weird I don't think... we are going to the same place after all.

"I won't bite Cassiopeia." He says without turning around to look at me.

I scoff, "What makes you think that I want to walk with you?"

He looks over his shoulder at me, "You don't?"


"And why's that."

"I have my reasons. Now, are you going to open the common room door or do I have to do it?"

Theseus steps away from the door and gestures to it, "Be my guest." He says darkly. Like I've offended him some how.

I walk up to the wall and press my hand against the brick, "pureblood" I mumble under my breath. The wall moves under my fingertips and begins to scrape against the floor, pulling away from the rest of the wall and revealing the tunnel that leads to the Slytherin common room.

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