Part 69- Cassiopeia's POV

Start from the beginning

I hold it in my left hand, my wand hand and twirl it around in my fingers. Over the years, the handle has slowly changed to fit my hand perfectly. I take a proper hold of it and take a deep breath.

A bird lands on one of the branches above me, without thinking I aim my wand at it, "bombarda," I whisper. An orange and yellow light flies out of the tip of my wand and hits the bird. It explodes in a fury of feathers and entrails, falling into the lake below.

I stare at what's left of the bird floating in the water for a second, I can feel a smile forming on my lips. Then I start laughing. Not maniacal or anything, more relieved than anything, like... that actually worked. I did that.

Another bird lands on a branch a little higher up in the tree. I hesitate this time... I mean if I can do it with a wand who's to say I can't do it without one? I've been doing a lot of non-verbal magic recently.

I look at the bird, and picture it doing the same thing that the other one just did, exploding into nothing. I take a deep breath, and in my head, I say, bombarda. The bird explodes just like the last one. Bits and pieces of it fall from the sky and pepper the ground around the tree.

I smile really big and do a little dance, I just did that. I just did advanced non-verbal magic and I meant to do it!

The breakfast bell rings from the castle and I grab my bag and walk back towards the school. My heart is beating a mile a minute and I can't stop smiling. I didn't think that would actually work. I didn't even know that could have worked... but it did. I did that, I really just did that.

Once in the great hall, I sit down far away from other people before pouring myself a glass of orange juice and buttering some toast. I pull out my notebook from my bag and open it to a clear page.


-works on birds

-can be done non-verbally

-next attempt should be on inanimate objects

"What're you working on?"

I look up from my notebook and make eye contact with Darcy. "Nothing, just a few notes and things. I think I'm going to skip flying today." I say to him.

He sits down on the opposite side of the table and looks at me, "You're going to skip class. That's not like you."

"I hate flying, we don't learn anything important anyways."

Darcy thinks on it for a second, "I'll come to the library with you, we can study together."

"Who says I'm going to the library?"

"Well if you're not going to be in class, where else would you go?"

"Places. This castle is absolutely massive Darcy."

"Yeah, but you don't go places. You go to class, the library, and your common room."

"Christ Darcy hop off my dick."

That takes Darcy by surprise. He looks at me with wide eyes, "I'm just looking out for you Cass."

"I don't need people to look out for me. I'm my own person. Look, you know I fancy you and I know that you fancy me. And I appreciate you being worried about me and whatever. But I've already got brothers, I don't need any more of them. If you want to be my friend or be whatever it is that we are then you'd stop treating me like a child." I say before taking a bite of my toast.

"As a friend, or whatever it is that we are, I am allowed to be worried about you sometimes." He says back to me.

I put my toast down on my plate and shove my notebook into my bag again, "How about you figure out how to actually treat me like a human being and not a child, or something that you can casually snog whenever you feel like it. And I'll figure out who I really am as a person and whether or not I want to be friends with you. Because for the past little bit you've been quite annoying." I take a breath and organize my thoughts before I talk again, "Our parents are friends, and we've been friends since we were born, but we're growing up, and maybe being friends isn't the best idea anymore... excuse me." I get up from the table and hike my bag over my shoulder before walking down the aisle between two tables.

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