Chapter 67- Ophelia's POV

Start from the beginning

Cass looks like she's going to faint and kill me at the same time, Darcy nearly drops his plate, "Me and Cass?" Darcy says. He forces a laugh, "Dunno what you're talking about."

I can feel the gears in my head start to work, attempting to figure out why the two of them look like they were caught in the middle of fucking. "You two? In the same spot as those two!?" I say pointing at Cass and Darcy then spinning around and pointing at Albus and Scorpius.

That gets Freddie's attention, "What do you mean those two?" He says in a very protective way.

Cass goes red, Darcy starts to load his plate with food not making eye contact with anyone.

"Darcy, did you screw my sister on my father's birthday?" Freddie snaps.

Cassie drops her spoon, Darcy goes to pick it up but he stops himself, "What? No! No, I would never. We just snogged a bit."

Cassie bends over to get her spoon and hits Darcy with it, "Darcy Williams you shut your mouth." She hisses at him.

"I think Darcy should keep talking." I say to them, "I knew that you two snogged at Hogwarts but I didn't know it was anything more than that."

Freddie grabs a plate from the stack of dishes on the counter, "You snogged at Hogwarts? Is that why you were so weird and locking yourself in classrooms?"

"It's not related." Cassie snaps, "I can have more than one thing happening in my life at a time Fred."

"You locked yourself in a classroom?" Darcy says looking at Cass.

"Some boyfriend you are Williams; doesn't even realize that my sister is struggling with stuff."

"I'm not – we aren't dating... are we?" He looks between Fred and Cass.

"I – I uh. It's not your business Fred." Cassis snaps.

Fred scoffs and puts a heap of mashed potatoes on his plate. My head hurts from looking back and forth between the two of them. "None of my business? Course it's my business. Especially when some random guy is snogging my sister casually!"

"Random guy? Are you mad?" Cassie says glaring at Fred, "Darcy is not some random guy!"

"So you fancy him then?"

"It's none of your business! Unlike you, I don't need to strut around Hogwarts snogging every person that lays eyes on me!"

"You've got me confused with James there love," Freddie says to her.

"Oi! Leave me out of whatever the fuck is going on over there, I just wanted some ham," James says which makes Rose, Lou, and I laugh.

"Stay out of my business Fredrick."

"You are my business Cassiopeia."

Cassie glares at Fred, her eyes hot with anger, Rose and I step out of her line of sight just in case. The plate in Freddie's hands cracks right down the middle. He drops it out of shock and it shatters on the ground.

"Real mature Cass." Freddie snaps.

"I didn't mean to." Cass says, "But I'm happy I did."

"What is with you recently!" Freddie shouts.

Mum and Dad come over to us, abandoning their spot in line, "What's going on here?" Mum says sternly.

"Cass is blowing up people's plates and snogging Darcy!" Freddie says loudly.

"Fred is being a pain in my arse!" Cassie shouts. She drops her plate and cutlery on the dining table, "I'm not hungry anymore." She says pushing past all of us, grabbing her coat out of the pile by the front door and leaving the house. No one says anything for a while, the entire house is quiet.

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