[Fresh Air] || Seungyoun

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Ever since you started dating Seungyoun, life has felt better. It's almost as if the energy around felt much lighter than usual. He looks like the type of boy your parents tell you to stay away from, and truth be told they weren't so fond of him but you didn't care. He was your breath of fresh air.

You two like to sit on the swing set in your local park and just talk for hours on end. There is some sentimental value about the park because that's where you two first met. You were swinging on one of the swings, thinking to yourself. You weren't really paying attention but you felt your foot graze against something and when you looked, you see someone sit on the swing next to you. You slow down your swinging to speak to them.

"I think my foot grazed you, I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it, I didn't really feel it."

"Oh okay, that's good."

You two sat in silence for a moment before the person speaks.

"Is everything okay? You seemed like you were deep in thought."

"I don't even know where to begin."

"I have time. Well, if you want to share anything with me that is."

Just like that, you ripped off the band-aid and let out whatever was on your mind. You didn't even know this person's name but it felt so good to have someone listening to you vent. The more you talked, the lighter your body felt. Once you were finished, you let out a breath and smiled.

"Okay, I'm pretty sure that was everything on my mind."

"No wonder you were in your head, there's a lot going on."

"Yeah, but that's my life unfortunately." You said with a shrug.

"How can I make it better?"

You furrowed your brows, turning your head to the stranger.

"You want to make my life better?"

"I mean I can try."

You pondered about it for a moment before giving them an answer.

"Let's try it then."

A smile broke out on their face as they got off the swing and stood in front of you.

"I'm Seungyoun and I promise you I'll change your life for the better." He said while extending his hand.

"I'm ___, and I hope you can keep that promise."

"I will and if I don't, you have every right to punish me for it."

From that day on, he kept that promise and made your life so much better. The people around you noticed your glow and how you look so much happier. You were no longer in your head as much as you used to be and if you had any dark thoughts, Seungyoun was the one to bring you into the light.

Seungyoun was your light at the end of the tunnel, and although he doesn't want to admit it (not yet at least) but you're his home.

Currently, you two are at that same park where you two first met, stargazing. Seungyoun overtime developed a sixth sense for you and he figured out you were deep in your thoughts again. He came over and took you to the park. Once you both laid down on the blanket and got comfortable, you shared your thoughts with him. He offered you advice and you felt so much.

"Hey Seungyoun."


"Thank you."

"For what?"

"Everything. For listening to me that day and everything after that. Thank you for keeping your promise."

"I should be the one thanking you."


"Because I didn't know what home felt like before meeting you. Now I know... you're my home."

"And you're mine."

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