[Just The Two Of Us] || Open Choice

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Based on the prompt above

You two were perfect for each other, but the things you did together were ungodly. There was a thrill of committing these crimes and running away together.

Were you a bad influence on each other? Possibly, but you wouldn't have it any other way.

It all started when you both met at the jewelry store during the day time. You two made eye contact and almost knew the evil intentions the other person had for that store. You both were right when you saw each other that night. You were leaving the scene when they were about to enter. The both of you froze, eyes wide staring at each other.

They whispered, "You came to rob the store too?"

"I'm not sure if I should answer that." You whispered back.

"Well even if you don't, that duffle bag with a diamond necklace sticking out speaks for you."

You look down and notice that there was, in fact, a diamond necklace sticking out. You shove it back inside and look back at them.

"Listen, I practically cleared that place out so I wouldn't bother looking inside. Plus, the police might go looking for you so I advise we leave while we still getaway."


You stare at them blankly before saying, "Unless you think orange is the best color on you, my statement still stands and make it fast. There's not much time."

You start to exit when you hear their footsteps.

"You know, I had a feeling there was something dangerous behind those eyes of yours."

"I can say the same for you."

You look over your shoulder to look at them for a moment before heading towards your car.

"I think we can be a good team." They said, bringing up an idea. You let the idea sit in the air for a little bit before addressing it.

"Hmm, I don't know about that. I work better alone."

"Come on, it'll be fun!"

You look at them with a straight face and a quirk of the eyebrow.

"Fun? Since when doing illegal stuff is fun?"

"When you have the right person with you it can be." They said with a smile. You bit the inside of your cheek to suppress a smile from forming.

"I'm still not totally convinced but I might need some time to think about it."

"Tell you what, I'll give you two days. If you're on board, meet me at the overpriced coffee shop at noon. If you don't show, then I'll know your answer."

"Maybe I'll see you then...maybe not." You put the bag in your car and face the person again.

"Just in case you don't come and this is the last time I see you again, may I say you look lovely under the moonlight."

"Ew you're cheesy."

"One of my charming qualities." They said, pretending to tip their imaginary hat.

"You know what, I think this could work."

"Really?" They exclaimed and quickly covered their mouth, realizing how loud they just were.

"For someone who almost robbed a jewelry store, you may not be as evil as I thought."

They put their hand over their hand, taken aback by your comment.

"I am as evil as evil can be. I am evil personified." They said while puffing their chest, trying to prove their point.

"Whatever you say." You say with a sigh.

Fast forward to your current situation and you two have been unstoppable. It has gotten to the point where you two are on the most wanted list. You've fled multiple countries, constantly on the move. You both knew that you could never look back and fortunately for you two, there was no reason to.

You have called many abandoned buildings home. While you two were eating, you brought up a thought you were having lately.

"Do you think we're doing too much?"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know. I just...feel a bit tired? You know, like we can't keep running."

"If we stop running, what will our fate be? I don't want us to be separated because truth be told, despite doing things that could add up to a lifetime in jail you are the best thing that has happened to me."

"You never lost that cheesy, I mean charmimg quality of yours."

"For you, it's staying in tact and for you, if you want to stop running then we'll stop."

"Really? What about you though, don't you want to continue?"

"Not if you're tired and plus I feel like we did it all."

"But how do we end it?"

"By going back to the place where it started it all for us."

You two smiled at each other, instantly getting the message.

That same night, you two went to the jewelry store and broke in.

"Okay, now what? Do we stay here until police show up or do you want a police chase?" You asked your partner.

"We have to go out with a bang." Your partner replied. You weren't surprised by their answer.

You grabbed some things and left just as the alarms started to ring. Your partner was speeding and making sharp turns, avoiding the police. All things came to an end when you were surrounded by police cars.

"Step out of the car with your hands up!" You hear an officer shout. You look at each other and share a kiss before getting out of the car, walking to the front of it. Exchanging a quick glance, you reach for each other's hand and you both raise the other arm up in defeat.

"No matter what happens, I'm glad it happened with you...just the two of us." You said while squeezing their hand.

"Just the two of us." They repeated, squeezing your hand back.

Your journeys may have started separately, but it came to a close together...just as you both hoped.

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